
Technology In Hanna Rosin's The Touch Screen Generation

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The classic menaces to society are typically mass murderers, child abusers, or even rapist. Technology may not be as harsh, but it can be labeled dangerous for our society, therefore a clear ‘menace’. While reading “The Touch Screen Generation” by Hanna Rosin, she thought an overabundance of technology was detrimental to development, meanwhile she steadfast on the ideal that parental control over technology could make all the difference. Rosin believed technology had differing effects depending on a person’s motives with technology. In “Digital Detox” Claire Suddath believed society should become less concerned with mobile devices, and become better acclimated with less technology dependency. Suddath realized technology was …show more content…

Hanna Rosin stated a great point, “Useful framework—what she calls the three C’s—for thinking about media consumption: content, context, and your child. She poses a series of questions—Do you think the content is appropriate? Is screen timing a “relatively small part of your child’s interaction with you and the real world?”—and suggests tailoring your rules to the answers, child by child” (Rosin 484). Depending on the person and the reasoning for media consumption, it just may be justified. Children’s shows like SpongeBob, indeed could be used to relate to real world interactions like friendships. Mindlessly watching the show would prove to be a prime example of binge watching, but taking a lesson from the show is beneficial. Mass media consumption boils down to what the individual concludes from the information being presented. For instance, shows like Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, or even natural geographic proves to be very educational. You typically can learn life lessons from these segments on TV, instead of watching pointless reality TV. Mass media offers a variety of learning opportunities, but you must obtain knowledge from what’s being

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