
Technology Effects On Sleep

Decent Essays

Technology and Its Effects on Sleep Technology is one the most influential ideas that came with human evolution, it changed the way everything is done. From agriculture to space exploration, technology has impacted our live mostly for the better. But, technology as a whole has changed the way humans sleep for the worse. Next time you go to check your text at 10pm before you fall asleep, you may just want to turn it off instead. So, how do our smartphones, tv’s, tablet and laptops affect our sleep? For one, it interrupts important brain cycles, particularly, the REM cycle (an important cycle that causes as to absorb the information we received throughout the day and have us wake up feeling more refreshed) ( Psychology Today). But how does …show more content…

Sleep deprivation leads to an increase in the rates for; diabetes, obesity, stress, stroke, heart disease and insomnia. The irritation from not being able to sleep can cause anger and depression, leading to unneeded relationship troubles and mental turmoil. Teens who didn't get enough sleep before they drove to school resulted in over 100,000 police reported crashes, with, (roughly) at least 3,000 potentially preventable deaths. For adults, sleep deprivation can attribute to problems getting work done or feeling motivation to do work, all throughout history it can be seen that a tired person is not able to do their job as well as someone who got their 8 …show more content…

Their are hundreds of device out there that make soft sounds (like waves) that help you get to sleep by lulling the brain with rhythmic or natural sounds. There are also mattresses that can help monitor sleeping patterns with built-in sensors and adjustable positioning. Some smartphone apps and smartwatch apps help to track how you sleep and when would be the best time to start waking you up. Radios have also been known as a helpful way to get to sleep by listening to music and singing along in your head until you fall

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