
Technology : Computer Technology Is A Computer Science

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I think in this assignment I'll take a slightly general theme, and then a concrete technological progress. Since my future specialty is informatics, naturally I am interested in technological progress in this field. On the one hand, we can say that technological progress is itself computer science, with which I can not disagree. Therefore, I want to take this topic first, in order to briefly consider the technological progress in general, and then more at the exact point. And so IT progress as we know began in the early 90's in the field of computer technology, software and telecommunications, and thanks to this people began to receive fast information in a short time, and not only. Therefore, I consider it a very big plus, but it should be noted that there were a lot of drawbacks, which led to a reduction in jobs. For example, we all know that in the old days, when there were the first phones, there was a very prominent position, more often for girls under the name "telephone operator", who answered the calls and transferred them to their destination. Then there was progress, which in turn facilitated many moments in people's lives, when a person could dial the desired number himself. This progress is pleasing but at the same time frustrating, since after this progress such positions as "telefonist" were no longer needed. Unfortunately in this moment it was not possible to prevent negative consequences. And so I think that this general theme will be enough, and all your

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