
Technology : Are Our Attachments Too Strong?

Decent Essays

Technology: Are Our Attachments Too Strong? “I’m yours and I’m not yours.” These six words changed the movie, her, directed by Spike Jonez, into a much different perspective. When Samantha says these things to Theodore, his heart breaks. Even though Theodore knew, subconsciously, Samantha would never be completely real; she was always real to him. He fell in love with an operating system, a piece of technology. Some people may say that it is okay for a person to have a relationship with an object that isn’t truly alive and that it is good for a person to be connecting to something, but I don’t agree with that. The movie, her, deals with unrealistic situations and advanced technology that is more than what people were expecting. The movie …show more content…

The surrogate arrives, and Samantha begins to talk as the surrogate does the actions. The surrogate and Theodore begin to get intimate with each other, but Theodore stops it because he believes it doesn’t seem real. Samantha gets upset that Theodore has stopped the actions but, eventually, gets over it. The second half of the movie shows their happy and loving relationship. They both are overwhelmingly content with the relationship they are having. Samantha keeps evolving and learning about real human emotions so she can feel more connected to Theodore. She begins to develop deeper and more complex thoughts with everything as she continues to develop. Close to the end of the movie, Theodore learns that he is not the only one Samantha talks to as an OS. The number of people that she is talking to astonishes him, which is 8,316 other people. He then asks her if she is in love with anyone else. She replies, “I’ve been trying to figure out how to talk to you about this.” He asks her about how many others there are, and she replies, “641.” They argue about their feelings for each other. The quote “I’m yours and I’m not yours” adds effect into this certain situation during the movie. It shows that Samantha was never truly Theodore’s. The next day he tries to start a conversation with her, but her and the other OSes are leaving into another reality. After the heartbreak, Theodore goes to see Amy, his best

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