
Techniques for Estimating Task Duration in Project Management

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TECHNIQUES FOR ESTIMATING TASK DURATIONS IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT As part of planning a project, tasks are assigned to project team members. Durations for task completion are also specified. Task duration estimation is necessary since it helps in cost and resource estimation. Iranmanesh and Mokhtari (2008), further affirmed the importance of project duration estimation by saying that, estimation of time and cost to complete work in a project and follow up them during implementation are major contributors to success or failure of a project, and hence very salient for the Project Manager. According to Hill, Thomas and Allen (2000), developing accurate estimates of overall project duration and its separate activities, is critical in …show more content…

The project was in northern Ghana, where it was difficult to get fingerlings. We therefore contracted an expert to raise the fingerlings for us. This made a huge impact on the project success where a Deputy Minister of Local Government and Rural Development travelled all the way from Accra to Wa to partake in a symbolic harvest of the first stock of fish. The project was described as a great innovation that provided an alternative source of sustainable livelihood in the dry season for community members of northern Ghana. Seeking expert advice made us implemented the project as if we were professionals in fish culture. Three point technique: This technique is also known as Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). It originated in the 1950s during the U.S.N. Nautilus nuclear submarine project. This technique takes into account task variability and uses weighted averages of task duration. Therefore the risk associated time variations are minimized (Wysocki, 2009). The technique requires the following three estimates: Optimistic (O)-Shortest duration one experience if everything goes right Pessimistic (P)-Duration one experience if everything that could go wrong actually went wrong yet the task was completed. Most likely (M)- The duration they usually experience in performing the task. E = O+4M+P 6 E=estimated duration Delphi Technique: This technique can produce good estimates in the absence of expert advice. In this

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