
Essay on Teaching Cultural Diversity in the Classroom

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It might be surprising too many, but reading the class textbooks, and talking about cultural diversity is not enough. Hence, we ought to challenge ourselves to create methods for when we become teachers in order to be able to help our future students be more aware of cultural diversity inside the classrooms. Carrying further, as a future teacher by taking this class is helping me become more aware of students' cultures other than my own. In my interview with Ashley she explained how she is a white middle class girl who always lived in the nicer part of town. On the first week she attended high school she made the decision to spend her lunchtime with the vast majority of white people in the school. Hence, for the reason that she saw that …show more content…

It has armed me with sensitivity to other cultures and their beliefs. In fact, this experience even inspired her to take Spanish classes. After having this interview with Ashley, I felt like I could instantly relate to these cultural characteristics, as I was dual language learner. Spanish was the main language we spoke at my house but I was expected to learn another language other than my own from my home and essentially I had a lot of trouble learning English. Although she did not realize it until her freshman year of high school I was able to notice how I had to go to another separate room to learn more about the English language. However, it truly impacted her when she noticed that in high school there were different types of classes for Spanish depending on the level one was in. Ofcourse I took Spanish AP literature while she took Spanish 1. Although I did take Spanish AP not all latinos may know Spanish really well. Take my brother for example who does not know how to speak or write in Spanish, had to take Spanish 1. With all this being said the schools separated students depending on the levels they were in but we both agreed that maybe they should have a mixture of students in the class where one may help the other who does not know so much about that language. Based on this self other ethnography assignment it helped serve me as an eye opener to helping me to realize that having inspiring teachers who can improve

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