
Teachers Union History

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Unions in America and globally are facing declining numbers compared to thirty years ago. Specifically, the teacher’s union are losing members due to work trends changing and political agendas. For unions to maintain their members they must adapt to current issues and partner strategically. Working conditions are not what they once were and now corporations are doing everything in their power to avoid employees seeking union representation. In this paper, we will discuss the teacher’s union, present day union issues, and the future of unions.

History of Teachers Unions
“The American Federal Teachers Union was founded in Chicago, with eight locals signing on as AFL President Samuel Gompers welcomed …show more content…

Subversion is defined as “the undermining of the power and authority of an established system or institution.” ( Since the AFT was forefront with the civil rights movement, they filed a “brief in the historic Brown Vs. Board of Education Topeka that had expelled locals due to the mandate of desegregation.” ( In Addition, to the fight for civil rights the teachers union and its affiliates worked hard towards “collective bargaining agreements from stubborn school boards.” ( During the 60’s, teachers performed strikes and walkouts towards the success for their fight for collective bargaining agreements. The first official strike was made by Professors of universities within the united states and in New York a Walk-out took place for the teachers rights against these agreements. “More than 300 teachers strikes occured throughout that year in representation of its first major walk-out.” As the American Federal Teachers Union made great efforts towards certain rights for their people and society, their members grew tremendously. Within the 10 years following no more than 60,000 group members had joined and by the end of a decade they had 200,00 members apart of the …show more content…

During the 1980’s the union concentrated on an education reform for urban areas and also helped teacher’s professionalism. The federation remained fighting for the issues regarding education reform in urban areas and also “aimed to place public schools and the public-school teacher on the cutting edge of education and the innovation for the 1990’s” As new millennium was in near of a new decade this became a tough task to complete and the death of the current president made a very historic and forceful change in the nation’s public school systems.” Although they were facing a time of sorrow the federation made history when they elected their new president in 1997 known as, Sandra Feldman. She became the first female president of the union and during her presidency her main intent was focusing on the advancement of “preschool education and education in urban

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