
Teacher Reflection

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I think one of the most valuable lessons I have learned is that success is not spontaneous. It takes work, dedication, time, thought, and an eagerness to achieve. This lesson has been taught to me over and over again, and I was first introduced to it in grade school by my kindergarden teacher. This lesson has shaped my life. I love it because it applies to anybody, it does not matter what their background is, especially as children. Children are insanely impressionable, and I think it is important that they learn as soon as possible that the outcome of their life is completely up to them. This is why I want to be an elementary school teacher. I want to find those kids that may not have the best home lives, the quickest brains, the most …show more content…

However, it is not a teacher’s job to hold their student’s hand too much. Professor Brian Gatens at Concordia University said, “The best teachers are focused on helping the children do the lion’s share of the work”. It is important to show students the tools and skills they need to find information, but it is counterproductive to spoonfeed them. It is important to have these traits as a teacher, but there is a lot more to it than just having the right characteristics and values. Outside of having a desire to teach, there are many requirements that need to be met in order to receive a teaching license. Once I decided that teaching was the career pathway I would choose I began thinking of ways I would be able to prepare now. First of all, I knew that college is expensive and that I will only have a part time job as my source of income for the first little while of my schooling. This has encouraged me to take multiple AP and concurrent classes in an effort to save money. It has also encouraged me to get a job now for working experience and to save money for college. While all of these things have been a great help in preparing me for the future, the best thing I have done for myself by far is taking an exploratory internship class to gain an early hands on experience inside an elementary classroom. I have been interning at Roosevelt

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