
Teacher Cadet Personal Statement

Decent Essays

The Teacher Cadet Program is an important opportunity for all students. No matter what career you’re interested in the ability to pass on knowledge is key. Not to mention that I also think being able to understand a teacher’s perspective will aid anyone trying to gain an education. I aspire to be a teacher missionary, and I feel like this class will offer me a lot of insight on how to better become that right now and in the future. One thing that catches my interest in this class is the focus it has on hands-on learning. Being able to actually go to schools and be apart of a classroom sounds amazing. My only concern is how I am going to handle speaking in front of a crowd. I have always had a hard time with public speaking, but my desire to be a teacher cleary confronts me to overcome that. I know that I have been given the skill of leadership, and I have always lead by my actions. Being a teacher requires leadership from all aspects, not only actions, but speaking as well. I think the key to my overcoming this is learning how to be comfortable in my own skin in front of a large group. In being a teacher missionary this a definite must. I think that this class offers me the opportunity to take on this fear, and I am …show more content…

I feel like my ability to clearly convey my thoughts to someone is not up to par with that of a half decent teacher. I want to be able to take even the most complex question someone throws at me and break the answer down into terms a child can understand. That is what makes a teacher good at teaching. I am intrigued in the complete thought process of how a teacher goes about doing this. I think part of being able to answer a question to the best of your ability, is understanding your audience's perspective. Their prior knowledge versus yours. Therefore, I am interested in how this aspect of teaching will be touched upon within this

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