
Tea Drinking During The Late Ming Period

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Water tasting has become a special skill among the tea drinkers during the Ming era, and this ability was utilized by many scholar-officials to demonstrate their sensual sensitivity and the sophistication of their taste. In the late-Ming period, the importance of water choice was still emphasized by tea experts in their tea books and essays. On one hand, good water can help diffusing the scent of tea; on the other hand, unsuitable and low-quality water would destroy the taste and smell of tea, or would be even harmful to drinkers’ health. Xu Cishu (1549-1604?), a well-known tea expert who was raised in a scholar-official family in Hangzhou during the late Ming Dynasty, had concluded, “Fine tea contains nice fragrance. Its fragrance can only diffuse depend on water. …show more content…

When mediocre tea leaves meet the best water, tea became the best; however, mediocre water with the best tea leaves only results in mediocre tea.” Above quotations are some representative examples of describing the relationship between water and tea. They have shown that, the evaluation of tea as a drink always goes along with the quality of water during the late-Ming period. Tracing back to the Tang Dynasty, drinking water has already played an important role in tea drinking; however, the understandings of water, including the taste of water and the relationship between water and tea were much simpler, because the flavor of water had not been stressed by tea experts yet. When Lu Yu (733-804?), known as the Sage of Tea, was writing The Classic of Tea in 760s, he had already noticed the importance of the quality of water in tea drinking. In the fifth chapter of this classic, he had categorized drinking water into three types and ranked them by their connections with tea.

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