Once the all the useful information is gathered and turned into reports, obtaining the right organizational information to leadership is important, then the results will be reviewed more intensely to understand the root causes and possible implications of the results (Dimon, 2013). Understanding the results include benchmarking by comparing with internal benchmarking, such as patient’s census to determine filled or available beds within Taylor Healthcare, Inc. system. Trending and correlation will reveal if Taylor Healthcare, Inc. results are improving or decreasing as compared to internal benchmarks. For example, the increase or decrease of claims payment from insurance payer’s, such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, over the last
The Miami VA Healthcare System serves Veterans in Miami-Dade, Broward and Monroe counties and operates a total of 372 hospital beds (US Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration, n.d.). Since the VA system is owned and run by the federal government, audit requirements in order to provide dietary and nutrition care services in the inpatient, outpatient or long term care setting are different compared to private sector hospitals. Hospitals and health care organizations get accreditation from the Joint Commission in order to meet federal requirements and get payment from Medicare and Medicaid programs (The Joint Commission, n.d.). However, since the Miami VA Healthcare System is a government organization and at a higher level is not required to do so (M. De La Cera, personal communication, January 12, 2017). Nevertheless, the Miami VA requests unannounced visits from The Joint Commission every three years to monitor and strengthen their performance excellence as well as keep their ongoing commitment to the safety and quality care of their patients (Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs, 2016). Furthermore, the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) conducts unannounced onsite reviews of the Community Living Center (CLC) to review processes and procedures. Inspectors from AHCA seek
There are basically five options in total because there are four other vendors that make X ray films. The competing companies DuPont, Agfa, Fugi, and 3M. DuPont and Agfa can produce quality that is roughly consistent with Kodak. On purely a cost basis, Mr. Rubble would most likely go with DuPont since is of roughly the same quality as Kodak while also costing less than Agfa who also produces a product of comparable quality. The price of DuPont $1.50 per sheet of X ray film and represents the lowest cost of premium quality suppliers.
VCU Health System is a comprehensive system of care providing services in Cancer, Oncology and Palliative Care, Emergency/Trauma Care, Neurology, Rehabilitation, Surgical, Pathology, Psychiatric, Children’s Health, Women’s Health, and various Medical Services. VCU Health System offers a multidisciplinary practice to care and other specialties supporting advances in health care through research and education while ensuring that each patient receives the most comprehensive care available. VCU Health System also provides patients and their families’ access to expertise care at their care centers: Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU, the VCU Massey Cancer Center, the VCU Pauley Heart Center, the VCU Harold F. Young Neurosurgical Center, the
Data: Client came to appointment on time with a decent attitude, and engaging during session. Today’s individual session was focused on addressing client’s treatment attendance issue. Client has not attending treatment group consistently, which will put her not in compliance with Kaiser Permanente suboxone program, as well as CD treatment at THS. Client has 7 absences from 03/01/17 – 05/25/17. Client reported no use of alcohol or other substances since started treatment. Client reported going to Kaiser Permanente weekly for counseling, UA, and obtain Suboxone prescription at Capitol Hill, Seattle. PC provided client with information for different OP groups but client stated, “I will make it work. Wednesday group works for me better.”
Ensure Taylor Health and Wellness has your vaccinations as well as health history on file.
Mr. Holloman would like to know what would be cover in this meeting? Please forward information over so he can review prior to scheduling a meeting and What other TN Health Center your company have worked with? Once all questions are answer and reviewed by Mr. Holloman ,I will than let you know if a meeting can be schedule.
Texas Health has shown why they are the top performers in the country. Texas Health has received honors and awards for clinical quality, including the 2007 Quality Award from Premier and the 2007 Texas Health Care Quality Improvement Award. There are numerous lessons from Texas Health experiences that other hospitals should look at to achieve high performance. According to the text, for an organization to reach the ideal state of continuous adaptation and improvement, the organization must be designed to achieve their goals and able to change direction when things don’t work out (Frates, J. 2009). Being in a health system gives you the opportunity to turn to each other as partners in quality improvement efforts and resources to help solve problems.
It was in 1977 that the United Healthcare United Health group was founded by Richard Burke. The headquarters of the company are in Minnetonka, Minnesota. This organization works towards the betterment of people's health, it help them in living a healthy life by providing them with the kind of health care that would be best for them. The main focus of United Healthcare which is a major division of the United Health group is to provide the people with better health benefits and coverage.
To provide the best value of care possible for our patients in an ever-changing healthcare landscape, Covenant HealthCare has proactively committed to finding way to improve quality and lower costs throughout the organization.
Hospitals are organizations, which involve constant movement of people hence suitable structures, planning, and facilities should be put to ensure adequate delivery of services. Hospital structures should allow adequate space for expansion. They should be placed where there are many people and in places where they are easily accessible. Hospitals provide different healthcare facilities, inpatient services and outpatient services; this requires proper planning and appropriate buildings to manage different patients.
Stakeholders are people or groups with interest in an organization that can affect or be affected by the organization itself, its objectives, or its policies (BusinessDictionary, 2015). Each stakeholder brings their own perspective to the table based on their relationship with the organization (e.g. internal or external role), their level of experience, and their area of expertise about the subject matter they are involved with. At a high level, the list of stakeholders for any organization could include people or groups such as: customers, employees, government agencies, suppliers, unions, community resources, shareholders, and business owners. For the purpose of this assignment, I will discuss and review stakeholders relative to the
Grace Health System is an innovative healthcare facility dedicated to clinical excellence, delivering an enjoyable patient experience and providing best value. You’ll find an emphasis on the importance of a strong patient/doctor partnership to achieving your healthcare goals, the positive effects of preventive medicine and the need for convenience in a comfortable setting.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee faced another lawsuit against them filed by the Harrogate Family Practice owned by Amanda Brown. The plaintiffs, Harrogate Family Practice and owner, Amanda Brown, filed a complaint on the grounds of seeking injunctive and declaratory relief under ERISA (Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974). The defendant, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, had sent five letters over the course of January, February, and March of 2014, notifying the plaintiffs of the overpayments that were discovered during an audit in November 2013 and requested recoupment. The Harrogate Family Practice and Amanda Brown’s counsel responded on April 3, 2013 stating that the recoupments violated ERISA. After a breakdown in
Hi Jasmine, I also chose the question : What are the members of the Healthcare Team and give their roles within the office or facility? There are other healthcare team members that I did not mention such as Surgical Technologist, Dental Assistant, Dental hygienist,Nursing Assistant (CNA), Home Health Aide. A surgical technologist, is also called a surgical tech, and works on the surgical care team. A dental assistant works along the side of the dentist in providing a more proficient dental treatment, sterilizing the instruments. A nurse assistant (CNA) works in a nursing home or hospital . They assist a licensed practical nurse or a registered nurse to get through their work shift. A dental Hygienist works in a dentist's office and cleans
A Canadian hospital specializing in hernia operations is considering whether and how to expand the reach of its seraices,