
Taxes In The United States

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Taxes have been around throughout the world since the idea of civilization came to being and was implemented. The earliest forms of taxations were implemented around 4500 years ago in Mesopotamia where people used to pay taxes by use of the commonly accepted currency then which was livestock. These kinds of taxes were paid throughout the year to finance the activities of the governing sectors. Looking at the ancient world, there are taxes such as the estate taxes and the death taxes. An example of a country that had death taxes was Egypt which upon the death of an individual the people left behind who would get the property the deceased had were to pay a ten per cent tax on the property they were to inherit. Over the years, the way we pay taxes …show more content…

Initially, there were no income taxes unlike today. The government survived on the tariffs as the only source of revenue to conduct their functions with. During those times, the tariffs were enough to effectively run the government. In the times of emergencies especially during wars when the government require some extra funds to support its activities, new taxes would be introduced. Once the wars were over and the extra revenue was not needed any more, the taxes introduced would be banned and the revenue would resume it source from the tariffs. It is worth noting that the people living during this time were not as large in numbers as we are today, therefore the provisions of services to them did not require a lot of money on the side of the government. The tariffs aimed at not only running the federal government but also to act as a protective barrier to the domestic industries in the United States of America. There was the payment of income tax that would be collected by the agents of the treasury before the imported goods could land the country. Before the 20th century, there was great debate where the Democrats wanted a tariff that would not be very high and one that would sustain the federal government. On the other hand the Republicans were in favour of higher tariffs that would not only ensure the sustainability of the federal government but also to be an encouragement to the industrial workers as well as the American industry (Seligman & Edwin

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