
Taxes Essay

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The less taxes we pay, the more lives we save. The United States has the highest corporate tax rate of the 34 developed, free market nations that make up the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (DECD). Unlike other countries, the United States pays a marginal corporate tax rate of 35% at the federal level and 39.2% state tax are accounting. This is causing thousands on corporations to move operations out of the United States and into other countries. Therefore, the United States should lower the taxes on big corporations. Lowering the taxes on big corporations creates new and more jobs for people. Kellyanne Conway, Counselor of the President claims that “When our business pay less taxes, they reinvest their money to the …show more content…

To sum it up, lowering taxes on big corporations has a very big impact on the wages of the workers and the benefit they get. The price of products will drop which can lead to the growth of the economy if the taxes of big corporations will decrease. According to President Trump in the third debate on Presidential Debate “When the company lowers the taxes from 35% to 15% they have more money to spend on research, development, and producing things which can lead to growth”(para.2). Therefore,companies do not need to move from and buy or sell their products from other countries that raises the cost of their products only to avoid paying high rates here in the United States. If they will not have to pay high rate of taxes more products will be made here and these may cause a decreasing in the price of the products. The economy will expand again. However, we live in a country where business is all about competition.A country where business is pure capitalism, which means business are owned and or manage by private owners for profits. They are only after the profits, they do not think about their consumers because we need their products to survive so we still buy them. Even though Money is only matters when it comes to business, but by lessening their taxes they will help the consumer when

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