
Tax Advice Privilege Case Study

Decent Essays

I. Identified Issues Several problems have resulted from the current interpretation of §7525. First, the fact that there are many/more cases where assertion of the tax advice privilege is denied shows that it is not understood (obviously, it can be a litigation/stalling technique, but misinformation/misunderstanding can be a big part of it too). Second, uniform adoption/recognition of the proper name of the privilege can help dispel incorrect assumptions or inferences/impressions. Don’t call it the tax practitioner/accountant-client privilege, because that leads people to believe that the WHO is important, when in reality, it’s the WHAT that is most important (legal tax advice is privileged because it’s legal tax advice, not because it was …show more content…

The statute says that anything with a CPA is privileged if same stuff is privileged if with an attorney. But courts have shown that this is not the case. Unlike attorney work product, accountant work product is not privileged. Some communications that otherwise may be privileged are not because they are included in mixed/dual purpose communications/documents. The language of the statute could be amended to eliviate this confusion. Instead of saying stuff is protected if it would be protected with an attorney, the statute should outline what is protected (normally you wouldn’t want to list everything out – not economical – but since courts have stripped scope down so much, it’s easier to just be clear about the few things that actually are privileged [litigation prep]. Fourth, use of the vague phrase “tax advice”, coupled with the lack of any statutory definition of such phrase leads to disputes between parties as to what constitutes “tax advice.” Case law is replete with examples of parties claiming communications contained “tax advice” merely because tax issues were discussed. If courts have interpreted “tax advice” to be a narrow definition, the statute should be amended to avoid further

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