
Tattoos On The Heart Book Report

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The book “Tattoos on the Heart” is written by Father Gregory Boyle S.J. who is the founder Homeboy Industries. The book is composed of many stories that father Gregory lived while he was working with the gangs in Los Angeles. He was working at the Dolores Mission Church. The majority of the gang members were Latinos or African Americas. Throughout the book, father Gregory shares his experiences with us, taking us to a ride with him where a variety of emotions are felt. Something that I admire of father Gregory or “father G.,” how the gangers call him, is how involved he got into the community. Because I am a Latina is was very easy for me to understand all the Spanish words he uses in the book, not basic Spanish words, but words representative of the community he was working with, colloquial words and very Mexican words. This is a clear representation that he was not just working with them, he was definitely trying to understand them and be with them. …show more content…

Moreover, he was considered a father for some of them. He was that person that they will seek to find comfort, love, peace and a piece of advice. I could truly see him acting like a father, a father that some of them did not have. He cares about their life, their family, their emotional health. He deals with issues such as adolescence pregnancy, death, Christmas reunions and many

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