
Tartar Lab

Decent Essays

Objective To determine whether cream of tartar, laundry detergent, and vinegar are neutral, bases, or acids.

Introduction This experiment will discuss whether cream of tartar, laundry detergent, and vinegar are neutral, bases or acids contingent on changes in color. Neutral substances are chemicals that have no properties of either acids or bases, have equal parts hydrogen and hydronium ions and don't change the color of litmus paper or other acid-base indicators. A base is a chemical species that donates electrons or hydroxide ions or that accepts protons. Bases tend to change the color of acid-base indicators to blue. An acid is a chemical species that donates protons or hydrogen ions and/or accepts electrons. Acids tend to change the …show more content…

Materials Red cabbage leaves, large tray, powder laundry detergent, cream of tartar, vinegar, water, zip plastic bag, storage-grade, quart size, white piece of paper, 4 clear plastic cups, 3 small cups, 3 toothpicks, 1 dropper, 1 tablespoon and a permanent marker.

Procedure The listed materials were taken to a workstation and placed on a blue tray. Water was poured into the zip plastic bag. The red cabbage leaves were torn apart and crushed. They were then placed into the bag containing water. Pressure was then applied to the bag. The 8 cups were then placed on a piece of paper on the tray. The purple tinted water from the bag was then poured into the 5 clear plastic cups. The cream of tartar was then added to one of the 3 small cups. The vinegar was then added to the second small cup. The laundry detergent was then added to the last small cup. A toothpick was then dipped into the cream of tartar and then dipped into one of the 4 clear plastic cups. Observations were recorded. A separate toothpick was then dipped into the laundry detergent and then dipped into a different clear plastic cup than the last one. Observations were recorded. The final toothpick was then dipped

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