
Tariff Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

The years immediately following the War of 1812 saw a growing spirit of nationalism throughout the country. The rapid expansion of that period added 6 more states: Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, and Alabama. In addition, strong new leaders of the time were added, such as John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay of Kentucky, and John C. Calhoun. Henry Clay called nationalism the “American System.”
Since colonial days, America had served as both a source of raw materials for Europe, particularly Britain, and a market for British finished goods. American manufacturing would “shake up this long-standing agreement.” A tariff is a tax on imported goods. A protective tariff is an unusually high tariff designed to shield a nation’s manufactures from the potentially fatal foreign competition. The Tariff of 1816 was America’s first “protectionist legislation.”
The charter for the 1st national bank expired in 1811, causing private banks to issue inflationary paper money. The war only worsened financial problems created by inflation, which made it difficult for the national government to meet its obligations. The Republicans of the 1790s were brutally opposed to both a national bank and a protective tariff. When in power, however, they tended to set aside their misgivings over the constitution in favor of such “Federalist” measures. In 1816, …show more content…

His parents were Irish-Presbyterians who had left Ulster 2 years before his birth. His father, Andrew Sr., died in an accident while clearing fields 2 days before Andrew Jr. was born. At only 13 years of age, he joined the patriot army to fight the British. After the war, he studied law in Salisbury, North Carolina. According to the textbook, “His grit earned him the admiration of his ranks, ‘He’s tough as hickory,” they would say, and so he was.” As president, he was not an innovator, however, he was often called the “people’s

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