
Tar Beach Two Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

The artwork that left me a memorable experience as a viewer and deeply connected to my story is an artwork by Faith Ringgold entitled “Tar beach 2“. This artwork is being display in the SCAD Museum of Art. The Medium of the artwork is silkscreen on cotton, in a form of a quilt. Ringgold herself is a very influential black female artist that addresses racial issue in her artworks. The tar beach is a story quilt that tells a story of an 8 years old girl name Cassie that live in the city of Harlem, New York City. The dimension of the artwork is 66 in x 67 in which almost a square shaped quilt. The artwork is colorful with combinations of warm colors that can be seen in the pallet shade of red to yellow that can be seen in the buildings. On the other hand, the cold colors in a shade of blue are shown to depict the night sky of the city. The composition of the artwork is organize yet messy because almost every space is filled with the picture as well as the written aspect of Cassie’s imagination. The perspective is use to show the depth of the tall buildings of New York that stand lies behind the rooftop where Cassie live. The rooftop setting is the focal point of the artwork that is made by the triangle shape that is place nearest to the viewer and filled the left to right bottom corner of the frame. …show more content…

The artwork addresses the issue of racial and cultural oppression that can relate to the theme of domesticity, which deeply connect to what I feel most of the time. Racial and cultural differences is a huge part of my life as I travel around the world often, this artworks once again reminds to always remember my culture despite being alone in another country. This piece really brings me comforts and takes me back to my childhood memory as if I’m the girl in Ringgold’s

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