
Tanglewood Case 1 Essay

Decent Essays

1. Describe the internal labor market of the company in terms of job stability (staying in the same job), promotion paths and rates, transfer paths and rates, demotion paths and rates, and turnover (exit) rates.

ANSWER: Sales Department (Full-time)

50% of the sales department stayed the same it was no changes

10% of the full-time transferred to a part-time position

5% of the full-time was promoted to an Assistant Sales Manager

0% of the full-time was promoted to Regional Sales Manager

35% exited the organization

Summary: The Company has a large amount of employees that stayed in their current position. Either people got demoted or choose to go to part-time positions. The small amount that was …show more content…

The percentage of same position clearly indicated that there is low opportunity for being Regional Sales Manager. This could be the reason why the full and part time positions have a high exit percentage.

Regional Sales Manager

0% has been promoted or demoted

70% has stayed in the same position

30% has left the organization

Summary: Even though the Regional Sales Manager position has a 30% amount leaving the company, they are not promoting within. The Managers has a high percent staying in the same position. There are no opportunities for higher positions in this company, and the turnover rate is continuing to rise.

2. Forecast the numbers available in each job category in 2013.


| | |2012 Forecast |
|Job Desc. |2011 #Emp |SF |SP |ASM |RSM |EXIT |TOTAL |
|SF |500 |250 |50 |25 |O |175 |325 |
|SP |150 |7.5 |90 |15 |0 |37.5

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