
Taming Of The Shrew And Louisa May Alcott's Little Women

Decent Essays

Shakespeare’s, The Taming of the Shrew and Louisa May Alcott's Little Women both use styles of prose and verse to convey meaning. Alcott emphasizes the change in the girl’s style when they are with family and out in the world. In the movie, Alcott and her sisters recite many plays wrote by Shakespeare, which reveals their use of verse. Shakespeare also conveys the social status through the use of the character´s use of prose and verse. May’s character uses a lot of prose and verse throughout the movie. An example is when the girlś are in the attic putting on different plays, and they refer to other poetic plays and devices that they wouldn't use in their daily lives. The girl’s switch back and forth when they interact with one another and family. Another example is when May and the professor are at the Opera sitting at the top of the stage. The professor uses his knowledge of poetry to interpret the meaning of the play. When May first moves out to New York, the professor, and her sit down for a talk and during this time, they come across a play they both knew. The two of them were able to recite parts of the play together. The audience saw how they quickly changed from prose to verse in a short few …show more content…

In the beginning, he talks like a tinker, but when the Lord plays a trick on him, Sly changes to a more formal language. He acts a little more mature and uses a style he wouldn’t use on the “normal” day. Katharine also changes her style depending on the person she is with. When she is with her father, she talks a lot less formal than when she is with her husband. The reader also sees this when the suitors talk about Bianca and Katharine. The reader sees a change in their normal talk when the ladies are around. They use more formal style than informal to make themselves seem like a proper man. In the end, Katharine’s style changes from crude words to

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