
Taking a Look at the Russian Reveloution

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In Russia, there were many revolutions, and civil wars, the citizens had an important role. The Proletariat was the growing class of factory and railroad workers. The Soviets were councils of workers and soldiers, the secret police were important, they carried out the czar’s plans and got rid of counterrevolutionaries. The Commissar was communist party officials that taught and ensured party loyalty. The Bolshevik was a general term for the majority, and a Kulak was a wealthy peasant that was part of a collective, when many peasants farmed together large farms.
After World War one the Russians had boosted their nationality and had high morale. The armies were enthusiastic to be fighting for Russia. But without enough weapons for everyone, a lot of people died in battles. The monarchy started to crumble, and the citizens lost trust. Lenin was a Russian revolutionary in 1870; he grew up with a strong dislike for the Czar and the government. The czar stepped down from power in 1917, and then Duma politicians set up a temporary government. The Russians were still at war with Germany and had a weak government. Lenin was the leader of the Bolsheviks; he used ideas similar to Marx’s. The Bolsheviks took over in November 1917; The Red Guards who were armed workers took over the temporary government. The Bolsheviks later revealed that they had communist intentions. A civil war in Russia lasted three years between the “Reds” who were communist and the “Whites” who were loyal to the

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