
Taking a Look at Information Warfare

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Over the last decades, information warfare has become a societal issue. Research shows that information warfare does not exclude to military, and have penetrated into commercial word. This issue, is a threat for organization and their assets. (Knapp,Boulton, 2006)
Information is a valuable asset for businesses and organizations. Advances in information technology facilities the storing, transferring, and modifying of data. Organizations use information technologies such as the Internet and networked technology to reduce operating costs, improve customer service, and improve productivity. However, Using the Internet has increased the number of frontier that must be protected and has bought a lot of concerns about security issues. (Ezingeard, McFadzean, & Birchall, 2005)
Although, governments and businesses have spent billions of dollars on IT to protect their information, Medias highlights that the number of cyber fraud and cyber attacks by nation states, criminals, and hacktivists is accelerating. ( Ezingeard, McFadzean, & Birchall, 2005)
Using of spying techniques such as espionage is another threats for organization. The traditional form of espionage is replaced by new technology espionage which uses advanced electronic and computer devices to steal information and knowledge of organizations. (Knapp,Boulton, 2006)
In this paper the role of counterintelligence and information assurance, two elements of information warfare, in business environments is

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