Over the last decades, information warfare has become a societal issue. Research shows that information warfare does not exclude to military, and have penetrated into commercial word. This issue, is a threat for organization and their assets. (Knapp,Boulton, 2006)
Information is a valuable asset for businesses and organizations. Advances in information technology facilities the storing, transferring, and modifying of data. Organizations use information technologies such as the Internet and networked technology to reduce operating costs, improve customer service, and improve productivity. However, Using the Internet has increased the number of frontier that must be protected and has bought a lot of concerns about security issues. (Ezingeard, McFadzean, & Birchall, 2005)
Although, governments and businesses have spent billions of dollars on IT to protect their information, Medias highlights that the number of cyber fraud and cyber attacks by nation states, criminals, and hacktivists is accelerating. ( Ezingeard, McFadzean, & Birchall, 2005)
Using of spying techniques such as espionage is another threats for organization. The traditional form of espionage is replaced by new technology espionage which uses advanced electronic and computer devices to steal information and knowledge of organizations. (Knapp,Boulton, 2006)
In this paper the role of counterintelligence and information assurance, two elements of information warfare, in business environments is
Hello, Dominique. I’ve enjoyed reading your post. Like you said prevent of inside threat is one of ways to conduct strategic counter intelligence. As we know, cyber security is crucial to protecting US computers, networks, programs and data unauthorized access. There are many cases that our government data has been stolen by the hackers from foreign entities including 4 million federal employee records. However, we can’t rule out the inside threats. There are so many spying cases from the insider whom worked either for foreign governments or businesses. These inside threats were not unnoticed for months and sometimes years and it caused great damage to US interests. Therefore, pursue of the real creation of a discipline in strategic counterintelligence
With cyber war, nations are able to skip the battlefield. Gone are the days where troops line up across from each other hoping to do damage to the other. Clarke explains that people, industries, governments, companies and organizations can be possible targets and are vulnerable to these attacks. Keeping that in mind should help these targets become defensive minded and shield off attacks before they happen. As we all know, the prevention is better than the
The Third week of this class was designed to cover objectives one, two, and three. Objectives one and two were covered in weeks one and two which allowed week three to take what we had already learned about what information warfare is and the theory of warfare and apply it in our week three assignment trough an anticlerical review of the use of
The use of information technology in business presents major security challenges, poses serious ethical question, and affects society in significant ways. Especially, the computer crime is a growing threat to society and is caused by the criminal or irresponsible actions of individuals who are taking advantage of the widespread use and vulnerability of computers and the Internet and other networks. It presents a major challenge to the integrity, safety, and survival of most business systems.
The nature of terrorist threat combined with technologies that facilitate globalization resulted in both the necessity as well as the capacity to wage war and conduct intelligence operations in a new
“It embraces not only the protection of the intelligence interests of the government it serves, but, by control and manipulation of the intelligence operations of other nations, it performs a dynamic function in discerning their plans and intentions as well as in deceiving them. An effective counter-espionage organization is therefore an intelligence instrument of vital importance to national security” (War Report Vol.1, p. 188).
All the infrastructures of this country have been subjected to utilize the modern communication system exploited by terrorist networks. The National Security Agency, the FBI, and the Counterterrorist Center for the CIA are behind in a game that playing catch up in is very critical and expensive when citizens amongst military targets are fair game (JMIC, 2002). Authority and command consist of the supervision of personnel in addition to the tools to be used to achieve the inclusive objective. Worldwide to every authority post are three universal actions that consist of inputs, procedures, and outputs. The input part is communications that are normally intelligence or other data created through reports from the field elements or operatives. Furthermore, the procedure portion consist of making decisions about what should be done about the data received from the circumstances and progress reports (McClung & Rainey, PH.Ds, 2001).
Three of the potential roadblocks associated with the implementation of a National Counter Intelligence (CI) strategy that I believe are the most important rest within resources, information and risk, outlined in Michelle Van Cleave’s article “Strategic Counterintelligence What Is It and What Should We Do about It?” The idea of a national level effort is not a new idea. The National Security Act of 1947 provided basis of our intelligence and CI functions. DoD naturally took the mission of CI activity which fit within the DoD scope. Up and until the 1980s a series of failures within the CI world, such as the failed hostage rescue in 1980 helped to place emphasis on the lack of coordination between DoD services. A new definition of CI was
Intelligence derived from information that media sources produce is essential in countering the opposition. Intelligence gathering between opposing forces is paramount to gaining the advantage to winning wars. And in order to defeat the enemy, one must know the enemy. And just as intelligence collection is important to any military mobilization, one must also prevent others to leak essential information from within. Safeguarding information is essential in preventing the opposition from gaining the upper hand, by countering, deceiving, delaying plans of the opposition, and learning the tactics, techniques and procedures and recognizing their technology, etc. All this information is available in all forms of media, such as interviews, show of force exercises, and national parades broadcasted for the world to
Counterintelligence is defined as information gathered and activities conducted to identify, deceive, exploit, disrupt, or protect
goal-oriented use of special means and methods of influencing the enemy’s information resource, and also of protecting one’s own information resource, in order to achieve assigned goals. An information resource is understood to be information which is gathered and stored during the development of science, practical human activity and them UNCLASSIFIED Operational Environment Assessment Team IEA – Russia June 2008 2-10 10 operation of special organizations or devices for the collection, processing and presentation of information saved magnetically or in any other form which assures its delivery in time and space to its consumers in order to solve scientific, manufacturing or management tasks.” (“Ten Key Elements of the Russian Understanding of Information Operations,” 2004, Timothy L. Thomas, FMSO, Ft Leavenworth) His definition implies that IW is both a peacetime and wartime activity.
Consequently, the OSS was abolished and the Central Intelligence Agency was created.6 In modern day, intelligence gathering by the utilizing counterintelligence methods allows for information collection to identify and counter foreign threats.7 Moreover, the duty of the United States counterintelligence agents is to identify, assess, neutralize and exploit the intelligence activities of foreign powers, terrorist group and other entities that seek” to disrupt the United States National security.8 Logical security procedures is necessary to defend Nation Security threats. Further, during the Vietnam war, the human intelligence collection and CI operations proved unfavorable. However, HUMINT and CI activities have improved significantly in Iraq and Afghanistan, many lessons learned has been incorporated into training and deployments.9 However, HUMINT operations proved difficult during the initial phase of operation in Iraq and Afghanistan.
For thousands of years warfare remained relatively unchanged. While the tactics and weapons have changed as new methods of combat evolved, men and women or their weapons still had to meet at the same time and place in order to attack, defend, surrender or conquer. However, the advent of the of the internet has created a new realm of combat in which armies can remotely conduct surveillance, reconnaissance, espionage, and attacks from an ambiguous and space-less digital environment. Both state and non-state actors have already embraced this new realm and utilized both legal and illegal means to further facilitate their interests. What complicates cyber security further is as states attempt to protect themselves from cyber-warfare, private
Corporate espionage attacks are not necessarily committed by adversarial and friendly foreign powers. They may also be committed by competing industrial players whose goal is to steal technology for an upper intellectual advantage, and in doing so, undermine the victim-nation's economy. And while businesses with sensitive defense and government information capabilities are the primary targets of foreign targeting, private organizations have also grown increasingly vulnerable due to the vast expansion of globalization and the interconnected growth of industrialized nations. In either scenario, foreign government or competing industry, spies achieve their means through similar exploitation of weaknesses in technology and insider information.
Information warfare (IW) is a concept which involves the use of information in pursuit of a competitive advantage over an opponent. This includes spreading of propaganda or disinformation to manipulate the enemy and the public, undermining the quality of opposing force information. In this context, it was Prussia that maximized informational resource available to achieve the strategic objective.