
Taking a Look at Hinduism

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Many religions offer an exact path to the afterlife; illuminated by various rules and regulations that one must follow to reach enlightenment. Hinduism, on the other hand, is much more complex, offering multiple ways to achieve moksha and providing many answers to the ancient question of “what happens after we die?” Many people think that Hindus believe in many deities, but the Hindu concept of God is much broader than that. In fact, Hinduism itself encompasses much more than just one specific set of religious beliefs. While some Hindus believe that God is a divine being with certain identifiable attributes, others believe that God cannot be defined and is an all-pervading being that extends beyond everything. Although some beliefs differ, the majority of Hindus see the concept of God in multiple ways. Among these are the concepts of God as one and many, God and the soul, God as sound, God as image, God in nature, cows, and avatara. One of Hinduism’s most distinguishing features is the concept of multiple gods. These multiple gods are manifestations of the various powers of the divine. Hindus believe that the all-pervasive God is both one and many. Because this concept carries the idea of God as an omnipresent being, everything can be seen as being God’s form. Hindus worship many Gods, but they also believe that the divine is singular or one. These Gods are representations of different aspects of the overall God. Although their worship of multiple

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