
Ta-Nehisi Coates Between The World And Me

Decent Essays

“Between the world and me” is an educational book that highlights Ta-Nehisi Coates by presenting contradictory elements of education and the role that this plays in his life. Throughout the book, Coates explores both the negatives and positives of the education system and how that has shaped his view of race, injustices and identity. This essay explores how the education system empowers Coates' experiences as a tool for self-discovery, using the examples of Logos, Ethos and Pathos. Logos uses facts of secondary school dropouts to support, Ethos established reliable sources from Coates' time at Howard and Pathos appeals emotionally with information about Coates’ grandmother. Coates explores how the education system can be used as a powerful tool for self-discovery. He explains the ways in which secondary schools shaped his understanding of the world and himself with Logos. Fully 60 percent of all young black men who dropout of high school will go to jail. This should disgrace the country. But it does not, and while I couldn't crunch …show more content…

“I remember the iron in my grandmother’s eyes. You must barely remember her by now- you were six when she died. I remember her, of course, but by the time I knew her, her exploits- how, for instance, she scrubbed white people's floors during the day and went to school at night- were legend” (138). This quote shares Coates’ admiration for his grandmother with her accomplishments in her journey of education later in life. By witnessing her determination, he sees the value of education and the power it holds. Despite her challenges, she reinforces the idea that education is not limited and can be a long journey of self-development. Therefore, Coates is able to reflect on the impact of education from his grandmother and shape his own perspective on the importance of learning and how that relates to

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