Does The TV Show “16 & Pregnant” Promote or Discourage Teenage Pregnancy? Do you think “16 & pregnant” promotes teenage pregnancy or discourages pregnancy? In my opinion, I personally think the TV show discourages teenage pregnancy. The Problems with teenage pregnancy are that some teens are not financially ready to support a baby, teens have lack of experience with how to take care of a baby, and more importantly it is just like Kids Raising Kids. In my opinion, the solutions to teenage pregnancy could be that the girls show it is not easy and/or fun to have a baby so young, parents teach their kids a lesson, and for the show to promote ways to help teens stay non-pregnant. One of the problems for having a baby at such a young …show more content…
Some teens who get pregnant at an early age like to depend on their parents way too much. In the show, there was a girl who actually had her mom watch her son every day and all day just so she could still go out and be able to party and come home late. Obviously that mom didn’t help because the teen’s mother eventually took full custody of her grandson because he wasn’t being well taken care of by his biological mother. For the parents to teach them a lesson, the parents have to let their teen kids see that raising a baby whether it is alone or not is not easy. As stated in a paragraph above, not only is it physically taking care of a baby but also financial wise. Some mother’s like to be hard on their teen’s and show them that they are not always going to be around and know it is time to grow up and a raise a baby on their …show more content…
For example, ““16 and pregnant,” and its spinoffs may have prevented more than 20,000 births to teenage mothers in 2010.” After the show was aired, as seen in my previous example a lot of teens saw how difficult it was to raise a baby and prevented themselves from getting pregnant. Whether it was using a condom, being on birth control, or just not having sex at all those teens have stopped getting pregnant at such a young age. Some may say the TV show “16 & pregnant” only promotes teens to get pregnant at such a young age but it is not true. As I’ve watched the show and even went on their website it shows a lot that they are trying to discourage young teens to not get pregnant. For example, 16 and pregnant was originally designed by MTV to show viewers (mostly young women) what life as a pregnant teen was really like. Every time the show airs, MTV promotes a website that “encourage[s] you to enjoy your teen years and avoid the responsibilities that come with too-early pregnancy and parenting.” The site provides information about birth control, STDs and dating abuse. This quote was originally found on their website and after every show, they always promote the website ( so teenagers can go take a look and see what they can do to prevent from being
Teen pregnancy rates have dropped during the 1990s as a result of the fact that the authorities implemented programs meant to instruct teenagers concerning the risks associated with unprotected sex. The fact that safe sex-related programs have also experienced progress thus means that teen pregnancies should have continued to drop throughout the 2000s. "Controversies are battled out over whether or not television shows such as "16 and Pregnant" or "Teen Mom" are warnings of this phenomenon to others in the same age group, or if the premise of the shows manages to glorify young motherhood instead" (Fenster). The authorities consider that the success experienced by safe-sex programs during the 1990s means that it would be wrong for them to invest more resources in these agendas.
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 86 percent of mothers who give birth out-of-wedlock are teenagers. MTV’s show “16 & Pregnant,” which has only been on air since June 2009, is already reflecting the rapid boom in teenage pregnancy across various cities in America. Since the early eighties MTV has been considered somewhat of a cultural phenomenon for American adolescents and its depiction of gender has a strong impact that continues to this day (Holtzman 2000). Created by Morgan J. Freeman (director of teen shows Dawson’s Creek and Laguna Beach), the show “16 & Pregnant” has been said to be guilty of exacerbating, normalizing and even glorifying teen pregnancy. Perhaps, it’s just reflecting a current social dilemma
The MTV show, 16 and Pregnant is a reality TV show that depicts the life of teen mothers through pregnancy and the early months and years of their child’s life. In Teen Mom, MTV follows the moms depicted in 16 and Pregnant: Catelynn, Farah, Amber, and Maci on the challenges they face as young mothers with regards to marriages, relationships, family support, adoption, finances, education, jobs, and moving out to start their own families. Throughout the series we learn about the psychological and physical toll pregnancy has on teen moms as well as the struggles of being a teen parent and the importance of a support system in raising a child. This paper examines Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model and research on different families such as single parents, teen parents, and incarnated parents as well as the mental health of teen moms. Although the show dramatizes the issues of being a teen mom, Teen Mom depicts a realistic portrayal of the experiences of teen moms and how they utilize their family and other professional resources, such as therapy to cope with the challenges they face in relationships, adoption, single parenting, incarceration, and family conflicts.
When it comes to the topic of teen pregnancy, some of us will readily agree that shows like “Teen Mom OG” and “16 and Pregnant” promotes teen pregnancy. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of do these types of shows promote or discourage teens across the country from becoming teen moms. Whereas some are convinced that “Teen Mom OG” and “16 and Pregnant” have reduced teen pregnancy rates, others maintain that the producers have made stars out of these teen moms, with financial compensation most teen moms would not receive. But the deeper problem was once “16 and Pregnant” was successful, they did a spin off show called “Teen Mom OG.”
Popular media submits many teens to sexual content and influences their views on subjects such as teenage pregnancy. The article Evaluating the Impact of MTV’s 16 and Pregnant on Teen Viewers’ Attitudes About Teen Pregnancy takes a closer look at the relationship between the viewers of the show and their attitudes towards teen pregnancy. Three major weaknesses found after the review of the study are listed as follows; The study has several confounding variables, the sample group is rather small and taken from a single state within the US, and lastly, it makes claims without having sufficient evidence from its own findings as well as other studies. However, the way the study was conducted is relatively very
Many teenagers of today are sexually irresponsible, leading to pregnancy. Often, these teenagers then use abortion as a form of birth control. MTV’s Teen Mom first appeared on the network in 2009. It almost immediately ignited a series of controversies between viewers all over the United States. This show allowed viewers to face the reality of the fact that many teenagers are unprepared due to the fact that they are not well informed by their schools on the topic of sex. When the first season of Teen Mom aired, the teen birth rate declined by nine percent, which was the biggest drop since 1964 (Maerz, 2012, p.1). This reality show gives individuals coverage of the lives of four teenage girls who are going through pregnancy, followed by life after the birth of their children. According to Maerz, 90 percent of teenage viewers have stated that the show makes pregnancy look “harder than I imagined” (2012, p.1). This shows that the reality show was
The television show “Teen Mom” is a great example of the impact teen pregnancy has made on our society. The show follows teen mothers to display the hardship of teen motherhood. Although the goal of the show was to prevent teen pregnancy, like any other show the producers altered the show to gain viewers. The show added messages of love stories and success stories. The change in the show created a false image of teen motherhood.
Bradbury makes it clear that most citizens are blind to reality. This is shown through Mildred's obsession with TV,Montag's lust to burn books, and Beatty’s fixation with fire. Being blind to reality could be one of the most dangerous things mentioned in the novel Fahrenheit 451. Blind following of a person or idea without question can lead to losing all free will, this is demonstrated in the novel with how Mildred blindly follows everything she is told through the seashells. Mildred’s blind following, however, is countered by Clarice’s constant questioning of authority and why things are and constant self awareness.
Many believe the children are solely responsible for their carelessness that results in early pregnancy. Looking at this problem more broadly, one can see all of the social changes that influence teen pregnancy. For example, the media promotes sex and relationships. According to the RAND Health researcher, Jeffrey Wasserman, children ages 12-18 who saw the most sex on television were twice as likely to initiate intercourse within the next year as to those who saw the least amount of sex in the media (2017). Many television shows and movies contain sexual scenes, but most of them don’t explain the risks of sexual activity. Moreover, teen pregnancy has become more widely accepted. While many still believe it’s wrong, this problem has become unfortunate but acceptable. With shows like 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom, the mass media even rewards these teenages for their early pregnancies. The acceptance of early pregnancy has increased, but people are still embarrassed to talk about sex to children and teenagers. Teen pregnancy can be prevented, and it starts with a change in
According to a poll of 10 to 16 year olds done by the advocacy group Children Now, "77 percent say that there is too much premarital sex on T.V., while 62 percent say sex on T.V. and in movies influences kids to have sex when they are too young" (Clark, "Sex, Violence"). The influences of the media is felt everywhere and especially in terms of human sexuality. Everything from TV commercials to the newspaper has some form of sex in it, usually to keep the audience interested. In modern society, the changing times as well as media executives wanting more ratings(and therefore money) have lead to teenagers more willing to try sexual acts at a younger age and the country being more openminded about sexual issues.
Teen pregnancy is a growing epidemic in the United States. Teen girls are becoming pregnant at an alarming rate, with a lot of the pregnancies planned. With television shows broadcasting shows such as “16 and Pregnant” and “Teen Mom”, it is giving teenage girls the idea that it is alright to have premarital sex and become pregnant. It is in a way condoning teen pregnancy.
But we must accept that we live in a world of technology and that cell
* For teens, television is a major source of information about sex. A survey conducted in 1997 by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 61 per cent of young teens, ages 13-15, rated entertainment media as their top source of information on sexuality and sex health. This should concern parents because although two-thirds of TV shows contain sexual content, only one in ten includes any reference to safe sex or the consequences of unprotected sex.
There is a great debate on whether or not mass media has an influence on teenage pregnancy. A study done by the RAND Corporation shows that teens are twice as likely to have sex or engage in sexual acts if they see similar sexual behavior in the media. Many objects in the media that involve sex target teens. Reality TV shows and teen dramas often portray the "cool kids" as the ones who are having sex (Chandra).Today’s teens are highly influenced by what they see in the media and this can change their behavior and choices. Some will argue that the media doesn’t influence teenagers, but how can we be sure of that? Today, the media portray teen pregnancy in movies, television shows, magazines, music, news reports, and books. The problems
The media glamorizes sex and unknowingly encourages teen pregnancy. I come from a school with the majority are minority and generally we listen to Rap, Hip hop and other sexually explicit music. I feel that this is sending a misleading message to the upcoming generation. Almost 750,000 U.S. teens aged 15–19 become pregnant. At my school in the year of 2012 six high school females became pregnant. Then 2013 school year eleven female students got pregnant. Last year 2014 a staggering twenty-four girl got pregnant six had a miscarriage. This number is alarming. And even though this school has just started