
TV Show '16 And Pregnant' Promote Or Discourage Teenage Pregnancy?

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Does The TV Show “16 & Pregnant” Promote or Discourage Teenage Pregnancy? Do you think “16 & pregnant” promotes teenage pregnancy or discourages pregnancy? In my opinion, I personally think the TV show discourages teenage pregnancy. The Problems with teenage pregnancy are that some teens are not financially ready to support a baby, teens have lack of experience with how to take care of a baby, and more importantly it is just like Kids Raising Kids. In my opinion, the solutions to teenage pregnancy could be that the girls show it is not easy and/or fun to have a baby so young, parents teach their kids a lesson, and for the show to promote ways to help teens stay non-pregnant. One of the problems for having a baby at such a young …show more content…

Some teens who get pregnant at an early age like to depend on their parents way too much. In the show, there was a girl who actually had her mom watch her son every day and all day just so she could still go out and be able to party and come home late. Obviously that mom didn’t help because the teen’s mother eventually took full custody of her grandson because he wasn’t being well taken care of by his biological mother. For the parents to teach them a lesson, the parents have to let their teen kids see that raising a baby whether it is alone or not is not easy. As stated in a paragraph above, not only is it physically taking care of a baby but also financial wise. Some mother’s like to be hard on their teen’s and show them that they are not always going to be around and know it is time to grow up and a raise a baby on their …show more content…

For example, ““16 and pregnant,” and its spinoffs may have prevented more than 20,000 births to teenage mothers in 2010.” After the show was aired, as seen in my previous example a lot of teens saw how difficult it was to raise a baby and prevented themselves from getting pregnant. Whether it was using a condom, being on birth control, or just not having sex at all those teens have stopped getting pregnant at such a young age. Some may say the TV show “16 & pregnant” only promotes teens to get pregnant at such a young age but it is not true. As I’ve watched the show and even went on their website it shows a lot that they are trying to discourage young teens to not get pregnant. For example, 16 and pregnant was originally designed by MTV to show viewers (mostly young women) what life as a pregnant teen was really like. Every time the show airs, MTV promotes a website that “encourage[s] you to enjoy your teen years and avoid the responsibilities that come with too-early pregnancy and parenting.” The site provides information about birth control, STDs and dating abuse. This quote was originally found on their website and after every show, they always promote the website ( so teenagers can go take a look and see what they can do to prevent from being

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