
TPP And NAFTA: A Case Study

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TPP is an agreement deals with twelve countries of the Pacific Ocean that treated for extend restrictive intellectual property (IP) laws. It was supposed to be for expanding copyright terms, creating new threats and to escalate protection of digital locks but finally, the agreement was abandoned in November 2016 (Electronic Frontier Foundation). TPP had problem about the digital policy they made was focused on more big corporations than for the public. The IP covering copyright was for limiting people who say freedom of expression or privacy of rights.
NAFTA is an agreement between Canada, the united states and Mexico demonstrated free trade and investment that increases wealth such as job creation and economic growth in North America (NAFTANOW.ORG, 2013). It agreement entered force on January 1st ,1994 and it activity is bringing benefits to the public. …show more content…

Firstly, one of the discussed terms in the TPP is extending the length of copyright laws. Although copyright laws seem attractive, in the long extending copy right laws would cost Canada hundreds of millions of dollars. (Geist, 2016). Moreover, maintaining long term of copyright does not enhance new creativity (Geist, 2016). Studies also show that creativity stimulated intrinsically rather than by monetary gain and that artists produce their worst work when commissioned to create. (The conversation, 2015) Further, the extension of copyright terms primarily benefit the United States, but is a net loss for other TPP countries like Canada; for example, the price New Zealand would have to pay per year to extend copyright terms would be around $55 million NZ per year (Geist,

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