
TOMS Shoes Public Relations Campaign

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TOMS Shoes PR Campaign

Table of Contents
Situation Analysis 2
Critical Issues 2
Core Problem 3
Campaign Goal 3
Objectives 3
References 4

TOMS shoes was founded by Blake Mycoskie in 2006 based on the simple line: One for One. With every pair of shoes purchased, TOMS will give a new pair of shoes to a child in need. The TOMS mission statement translates to utilizing the individual consumer’s buying power in order to benefit the greater good of the world. The TOMS mission statement transforms consumers into benefactors and allows TOMS to grow a sustainable business that’s a for-profit donation.
Situation Analysis
While TOMS is a widely distributed brand and is well known, the brand is situated in a business model that is easily …show more content…

Not only would it reflect greatly on the marketing campaign if these sales were increased, it would also bring a profit to TOMS and increase the amount that the corporation was able to donate to developing nations.

In terms of marketing objectives, TOMS can focus upon:
• Increasing brand awareness with consumers by 25% within one year
• Increasing brand interactions by 10% in one year.

These marketing objectives will aid in the financial objectives and in the overall goal. They will ensure that the sales are driven and that the consumers are happy. These marketing objectives will allow the consumers to know that TOMS is making good on their message and mission, as well as know that while TOMS is for-profit, they are relying on the profit to deliver the shoes and products that make a difference. These marketing objectives will also get TOMS noticed more in comparison to the competition, increasing the awareness through advertising and other avenues will allow the consumer and target audience to be informed and see TOMS as an option when purchasing. Increasing the brand interactions will allow the brand’s message to be received more universally as well, as the consumer will build a relationship with the brand.


Austin. (22 November 2010). TOMS vs BOBS: There IS a difference. Adored Austin. Retrieved from:

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