TOMS Shoes PR Campaign
Table of Contents
Situation Analysis 2
Critical Issues 2
Core Problem 3
Campaign Goal 3
Objectives 3
References 4
TOMS shoes was founded by Blake Mycoskie in 2006 based on the simple line: One for One. With every pair of shoes purchased, TOMS will give a new pair of shoes to a child in need. The TOMS mission statement translates to utilizing the individual consumer’s buying power in order to benefit the greater good of the world. The TOMS mission statement transforms consumers into benefactors and allows TOMS to grow a sustainable business that’s a for-profit donation.
Situation Analysis
While TOMS is a widely distributed brand and is well known, the brand is situated in a business model that is easily
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Not only would it reflect greatly on the marketing campaign if these sales were increased, it would also bring a profit to TOMS and increase the amount that the corporation was able to donate to developing nations.
In terms of marketing objectives, TOMS can focus upon:
• Increasing brand awareness with consumers by 25% within one year
• Increasing brand interactions by 10% in one year.
These marketing objectives will aid in the financial objectives and in the overall goal. They will ensure that the sales are driven and that the consumers are happy. These marketing objectives will allow the consumers to know that TOMS is making good on their message and mission, as well as know that while TOMS is for-profit, they are relying on the profit to deliver the shoes and products that make a difference. These marketing objectives will also get TOMS noticed more in comparison to the competition, increasing the awareness through advertising and other avenues will allow the consumer and target audience to be informed and see TOMS as an option when purchasing. Increasing the brand interactions will allow the brand’s message to be received more universally as well, as the consumer will build a relationship with the brand.
Austin. (22 November 2010). TOMS vs BOBS: There IS a difference. Adored Austin. Retrieved from:
Since 2006, Soles4Souls has been working to get the less fortunate shoes. Shoes is a very important thing, a mile walk to the well to get water without shoes could be a back breaking journey but with shoes it seems to be just another one of the days small tasks. Soles4Souls has also teamed up with Macy’s, they both decided on a goal of giving out 50,000 coats in the year of 2013. They did it and since then Soles4Souls and Macy’s has kept their partnership and have gave out a total of around 130,000 coats nationwide (Home-Soles4Souls). Their organization is located in Nashville, Tennessee where they are ranked 40th out of the top 100 highest populated metro areas according to the National Alliance to End
The co-founder of Toms travels to many different colleges to reach out to peers because he wants the new generations to be concerned and aware with different things. and helping others is one that everyone can do if they cant help by buying a pair they can help by not wearing shoes for 24 hours and that event that is called One Day Without Shoes, is targeted mostly to students because they are the ones with time and its a free advertising by
Customers make purchasing decisions based on the information they have among products and the values of goods a company offers. For that reason, companies have to promote their products to increase products awareness. In order to achieve organizational goals, companies must understand the market’s needs to ensure the success of their businesses. Such information can be gained through research. The industry that will form the basis of this paper is Western Canadian Shoe Association. The three brands under study are Reebok, Adidas, and Nike.
Jones Blair Company, JBC, currently faces a unique challenge in which the upper level management must act in order to maintain its profitability. Jones Blair current market position is in the process of being eroded due to the mass merchandising efforts of companies like Kmart and Sears. In developing their strategy forward, Jones must address two key issues to address the problem statement. First, Jones Blair must determine which marketing medium they will use to access their potential customers. Secondly, they must determine the geographic locations in which
Toms has expanded its product mix significantly since the company began in 2006. They have always been keeping an eye on what their target market was interested in and catering the products to fit what
“Marketing strategies can have a broad impact on the business in terms of instilling a marketing orientation among all those in the firm: the way of thinking or philosophy of the whole organization. However, marketing strategies can alternatively be seen as dealing only with the development of competitive advantages directly associated with the marketing function such as customer loyalty and distribution channel control. In the latter case, the domain is sometimes even further restricted by sole attention to the various element of the marketing mix rather than the more general issues of customer and channel relationships. There are two key
This form of marketing can be described as brand positioning or brand architecture. Brand positioning can be best described as a motivational reason to buy one's product over others, "is guided, directed and delivered by the brand's benefits/reasons to buy; and it focuses at all points of contact with the consumer" (Management study guide, 2011). Nike creates value and sustains competitive advantage over other competitors with this technique because image is a big factor in today's markets, a large number of consumers are likely to develop product intimacy; those who care more about the quality rather than the price. This takes us to Nike's price strategy, which they target consumers who focus more on product intimacy and care less about the price. Giving Nike the advantage over other competitors setting higher prices for its products; consumers who believe a product to be of high quality are prone to pay a higher price.
The developed marketing goals and objectives will determine how the company runs its business. This marketing objective can:
sale of Nike’s high-margin products to high-end customers. Regardless of the low cost of the World Shoes, they
Since 2006, when the TOMS Shoes was founded, their ‘one for one’ business model has been widely embraced or criticized by different companies and the consumers. While, Blake Mycoskie, the founder of TOMS Company, was on trip to Argentina in 2006, he witnessed the extreme poverty and poor health conditions. After countersigning children walking barefoot, it dramatically heightened Blake’s awareness. Consequently, after witnessing those events, Mycoskie came up with a simple and innovating plan to create a for-profit business with a philanthropic component. Consequently, Blake created TOMS company with a unique principal and business model referred to ‘One for One’. TOMS ‘One for One’ is a unique business model, where for every pair of shoes purchased TOMS donates a pair of shoes to children in need in developing or underdeveloped countries. The company’s name ‘TOMS’ generated from the word ‘TOMORROW’, which was the original concept of the company, ‘shoes for tomorrow’.
Companies across the world are determined to compete for the survival of their brands. The magnitude of success of the marketing and advertising strategies of a new or existing product is majorly depended upon the organization itself. As a matter of stated facts when an organization advertises its products in the market they first have to identify the relevant answers of some questions like what is the product aiming at? What benefits will the user seek by this product? How the organization plans to position itself within the market and what differential advantages will the product offer over the competitors. Because the bottom line of all marketing and advertising campaigns, is to provide the suitable collection of benefits to the end users of the product. Successful companies are usually recognized as iconic brands. Success of a
Our approach to developing a market-entry strategy follows a structured process, based on in-depth understanding of all aspects that feed into a commercial launch.
The company will conduct marketing strategies that aim at creating an image for the brand in the minds of the consumers and reminding them customers about their products consistently.
Marketing plays the most important role for the success of a business. In this chapter, the business’ marketing objectives are laid out together with the plans or actions that will be needed to achieve these objectives. Furthermore, this chapter includes the profile of the respondents which aided the researchers to create this part of the feasibility study.
“Setting objectives for a marketing plan is not simple and straightforward matter. It is an iterative process whereby objectives are set, strategies and action plans are developed, and then it is decided whether the planned objectives are impossible, achievable or easy. Marketing objectives should be difficult, but they must be achievable. The aim is to set objectives that a challenge, but can be achieved with effort. They must be motivating rather than discouraging.” (Westwood, 2002).