
System Theory Of Nurse Turnover

Decent Essays

Systems theory is used to evaluate any issues that affects the flow of an organization from operating accordingly. According to Weber Organization theory, “there must be a clear division of labor, a well-defined hierarchy of authority must exist in which superiors are separated from subordinates, and there must be impersonal rules in an organization” Marquis & Huston (2015). In this assignment, an issue that is noted at the organization we be identified and discussed in relations to the Systems theory.
One identifiable issue at the organization, is nurse shortage and the elevated nurse turnover rate. Being employed at the organization for four years, has allowed be to observe a multitude of nurses disassociate themselves from the facility in less than a year. Research by (Yang et al., 2012) states, “The employment rate of less than 60% among registered nurses (RNs) .Of the …show more content…

These figures are troubling, as nursing shortage and/or excessive workload is associated with negative patient outcomes, such as medication errors, increased rates of nosocomial infections”. A number of factors play a role on the elevated turnover rate such as low pay, work load, and climate. Unfortunately, the problem exists in the throughput of the Systems Theory Model. When there is a reduced retention in nurses it leads to an increased nurse-patient ratio, stress, and potentially nurse burnout.
Moving on, the nursing department will be analyzed. The inputs include the nursing staff that provide feedback on the issue. It can also include other organizations, since nurse shortage is a common issue in health care today. Throughput are intervention that could eventually fix the issue such as increased pay and decreased work load. However, the output

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