
Syrian Refugees Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

t the ‪#‎HumanityWashedAshore‬ bullcrap. You and I know better that humanity has been dead long ago. It bothers me that it took a little Syrian kid's body to be washed ashore for people to understand humanity has died. If people truly cared, we could have not only prevented this from happening but also many other tragedies. Now it seems, people are all acting like humans and trying to shelter the Syrian refugees because they can't live with the guilt of what happened to Aylan. Maybe it's not even the guilt but just because they're under pressure or just a way to fix their image. I am personally not convinced yet that people care wallah. I would be more convinced if they actually did something to stop the war in Syria. In no time, this will also be forgotten next time a new Miley Cyrus music video comes out an bam, people are back to living their normal lives. …show more content…

And what happened? Nothing. His life was lost just like that. No coverage in the media, no media outburst from the world, no one even heard about it. Where was your humanity when he needed it people? Where?!
Humanity was stranded when the Rohingya Muslims were stuck in the sea for days waiting for humans to come and save them. And what happened? No one dared to take them in for weeks. Humanity was bombed when Israel killed the 4 Baker brothers on the beach when they were playing soccer and yet the world came to decide Israel had to right to do this. They were playing soccer on the beach. How twisted your mind must be to think these kids were terrorists. So what did the world so? Nothing. They stood with Israel and supported their terrorism as always. Still don't believe

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