
Synthesis Essay: The Role Of Democracy In The Progressive Era

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In a democracy, individuals have both political and social equality. They all have the equivalent say in all matters that concerns them. At the point when the fourteenth amendment was passed and gave U.S born and slaves citizenship, it nearly felt like democracy was at last growing in the U.S. Be that as it may what the fourteenth amendment neglected to do was the give the African Americans the privilege to vote. It wasn't until the 1870 that the African American were given the privilege to vote, yet on the other hand it just gave the men the privilege to vote. The way that the nineteenth amendment that gave ladies the privilege to vote was passed in the 1920 was stunning in light of the fact that it took the administration 50 years to give …show more content…

The progressive era was the time period in U.S history that redefined was America was all about. During the progressive era “…the U.S. Senate, and pushed through a series of progressive reforms: workmen’s compensation, prohibition of corrupt practices in government, direct primary elections, and meaningful regulation of railroads and utilities.” (Painter 259). The Progressive era expanded democracy. The Progressive era was for fighting for the democracy, such events included the women suffrage movement, the trust busting, and fighting for working conditions. To achieve the prosperity from democracy, for everyone to have an equal say in both political and social ways, there must be a class structure that is equal as well. This is well put in Painter’s novel, “…With most of his fellow citizens, the President believed that the health of the American democracy depended on a fluid class structure, and his own preferred means of discouraging the accumulation of large fortunes was the reduction of protective tariffs.”(Painter 74). It’s true that when class distribution is uneven democracy starts to erode, because when the rich keep getting richer, they get more powerful and the poor who keep getting poor, lose power and there say in political

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