
Synthesis Essay On The Melting Pot

Decent Essays

The United States has a motto, e pluribus unum, that suggests that in America, embracing diversity creates unity. Long ago, during the 1900s, assimilation was considered to be crucial in order for a naturalization process to occur. Immigrants were forced to assimilate and adopt to the American culture, in which they had never been introduced to before. Over time, things evolved and changed to the point where people began to assimilate to a certain point, but still have their cultural traditions, giving America a nickname known as the Melting Pot. America being known as “The Melting Pot,” defends the claim that in today’s society, The United States of America is moving toward a new standard in which diversity and individuality are encouraged more than uniformity and conformity. Before a naturalization ceremony occurs, the United States citizens still have their cultural ideas and languages being spoken along with them. In Source 1, it’s a picture of citizens all waving American flags, with a subtitle of,” New U.S. Citizens wave American flags before being sworn in at a naturalization ceremony.” This is proving that even though the citizens have not yet been fully naturalized, they still have their culture along with …show more content…

In Source 2, it states,” What it means to be American in spirit, in blood – is something far more borrowed and comingled than anything previous generations ever knew. Alongside the pain of immigration, then, and the possibility, there is this truth: America is white no longer, and it will never be white again.” This evidence is proving that it doesn’t mean much to be assimilated into American culture, but to be spirited as an American. This issue has disappeared over time, as this source is stating that America is white no longer and will never be white again. This is meaning that America is known as the melting pot nowadays, and is not considered white

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