There has been much discussion of late about the harm that is being done to Earth. Conservation efforts are being taken up by many but not all. It is strange that people can brush aside such a problem when it impacts them personally so strongly. Earth is our home and without her we have extremely limited options of survival. All humans, no matter what country they live in, should strive to help Earth go green for our own benefit and hers. America may be one of the top countries helping to keep Earth “green”, but we haven’t done enough yet. It is human nature to assume that someone else will take care of our problems for us. We let the Earth slowly degrade expecting her to heal herself. She’s been around a lot longer than us so she’ll continue …show more content…
People like Robert Samuelson who wrote, “One estimate done by economists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that meeting most transportation needs in 2050 with locally produced biofuels would require ‘500 million acres of U.S. land--more than the total of currents U.S cropland.’” (Source D) What he says is true, however biofuels are only one way to go “green”. Hydrogen cars have already been being tested for a few years now. They are extremely effective and could work but if we were to use a combination of multiple clean fuel options they would add up. This way it would only take a little of each source to be efficient for the whole world. This would make the Earth live an easier and longer life. Once the Earth dies we die unless we can build a spaceship big enough to take us somewhere else. It is in our best interest to treat her right while we can. What reason would all of us have for not treating Earth right? We are the ones who have made this mess so it should be our responsibility to clean it up. It is a matter of putting aside things that aren’t needed at the moment to focus on going “green”. We make so many inventions and pieces of new technology around every corner and that is fantastic! At least it is until it is all destroyed along with Earth. She should be our first priority and for now we must settle for that for her and
The first is that humans needs and natures needs are two separate issues. The idea that they're not irrevocably intertwined is inane, because we want the environment to thrive so that we can continue to exploit it. The second misconception is our reliance on technological advances that may or may not happen to save the environment. This diamond implies is a foolish thing to do, as many monumental issues are all waiting to be fixed with technology that isn't coming, or that if it does ever come, it won't be an instantaneous thing. Third and finally, is the perception that those who fear for the environment are fear-mongers, doom-sayers, and rabble rousers. Their cries of warning falling on deaf ears because the effects of environmental damage has yet to reach the public. While the citizens of America may not feel the effects, there's a great many third world countries that do and are. Places where overpopulation and famine are rampant are prime spots for wars, terrorism, and emigration which then spreads the very same problems to other
The ancient Egyptians believed green to portray the color of vegetation and new life because it was thought to be beneficial and life-producing. In modern centuries, this portrayal holds morally true, but it is outwardly apparent that we are suffering to keep our planet green and healthy. Many of the problems revolve around human negligence and greed because we put more harm than care into our planet, taking every resource it has without replenishing it. In order to prevent environmental ruin, the U.S. government needs to regulates and enforce acts aiding Earth in conjunction with individual stewardship or else Earth will become unendurable.(check grammar)
But if we don’t protect earth, we will face more and more environment problem, global warming intensifies, glaciers melt and forests reduced. We can live in earth. So, if we protect environment, it will be better. Environmentalist also gives people a hope.
In Amy Chua’s essay, “The Right Road to America” she argues the point that immigration is a great value of this country and that America was built from immigrants. One thing differs from Chua’s essay than from others because she not only gives highly credible facts on how immigrants have helped our country, but she also provides ways to improve the issues of immigration into America. Amy Chua is a highly credible professor at Yale and states throughout her essay that immigrants who possess American values deserve to be here in America and those who don’t should leave. America had always been a country that accepted immigration and allowed all
The world is being sickened by the needs of man in today's society. People, love to live in luxury without knowing the consequences of their actions. This is because man lives at a pace set by himself, and not one that is naturally set by nature. This is shown excellently in a quote inside of the novel Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. The Quote states, “the rapidity of change and the speed with which new situations are created follow the impetuous and heedless pace of man rather than the deliberate pace of nature.” The Earth is experiencing such rapid and disastrous change due to the wants of man. Man demands too much from the earth and not only is this changing the Earth, but it is also depleting many non renewable resources
It has recently been brought to my attention that our school is looking to adopt a sustainable menu into our meal program and I would like to give my viewpoint on the matter. As one many students here at Oxford Academy this change will affect me directly. Although people may at first oppose this conversion I think if we are able to overcome the first obstacles, this change would bring a great positive impact to the environment and the health of our students.
The Earth itself is being neglected and abused by thoughtlessness and waste products of American Feed corporations. There is so much pollution that the atmosphere and Earth are being destroyed. This is a world hit by environmental disasters, the severity of which can only be read between the lines. There can only be synthesized clouds now that the atmosphere will not allow actual clouds to form and is not able to support natural weather patterns. This is a world where living creatures can no longer reproduce without assistance. And this is a world where startling
Environmental scanning can be viewed as a way of acquiring information about outside events that can aid organizations in first identifying potential trends, then interpreting them
For this year’s science project, I would like to test the effects of both mineral and commercial sunscreens on human skin and coral reefs. In current news, the island chain and United States’ state, Hawaii is planning on banning common sunscreens for the detrimental effects on the coral reefs. I would like to test the sunscreens for the detrimental effects on human skin as well to answer the common question, “Why should I care?” With this project, I will be able to educate the public on not only the effects of chemicals on marine life, but also on humans as well. Also, determine if there is a way not to wear sunscreen at all and still be protected from the sun’s UV rays.
Throughout today’s society, media contributes to almost everyone’s daily life. From informative news channels to comical television shows, media proves to be effective in advertisement, releasing messages and informing the audience. Although media proves to be wildly effective in advertising, releasing messages and informing the audience, periodically destructive and misleading messages are provided to the audience and directly influencing women. Cultural critics widely agree that media tends to negatively influence women and all the critics point to research which supports the belief that women are portrayed as subordinate to men, having no
Mother earth doesn’t need us but we need her. It doesn’t help that we are deliberately hurting the earth and destroying what little we have. It's time for humanity to stop terrorizing mother earth and give her time to
We should promote the conservation of our ecologies by reducing the amount of waste that goes directly into the environment and promoting green thinking and living all across the world. For instance, we could protect our environment by reducing the amount of cattle that feed in a certain area and by prohibiting the introduction of alien-invasive species as they deplete minerals and food in the soil for other plants to consume.
Humans have an ethical responsibility to care for the earth, they should make a better world and repay the earth by
Many people do not take in consideration the environmental issues, their main interests lie behind thinking about their personal
Many current politicians say that the environment is not important and so, there is no need in self-actualized society. The planet has been here long before us and it will be after, it changes with time and with human impact, but it will heal itself without our help.