
Synthesis Essay On Technology In Schools

Decent Essays

It is easy to lose track of time while using the internet. There are a million distractions such as social networks, online shopping, and YouTube. Before you know it, two hours have passed and none of the work that was supposed to get done is done. By having technology in schools, it plays into these distractions. How is a child supposed to focus on learning when just a click away is a more interesting and more entertaining source of information (Source E)? Using technology in curriculum should not be encouraged because it is taking away from the education children receive. It is understood that one is exposed to a lot more information by using technology and the web, but all information isn’t necessarily true (Source E). “There …show more content…

We are constantly moving at high speeds, looking to produce the latest and greatest gadget. This isn’t always the best thing for our bodies and minds. By constantly being wired through technology, we are taking away from the sleep our bodies desperately need. Technology in schools will allow for kids to always be aware of the next best phenomenon out in the news, taking away from their education and causing their focus to be elsewhere. Without technology in schools, children will not know what is going on I the media or on the news at all hours of the …show more content…

For generations textbooks have given our people an adequate education. The more we become dependent on technology, the less reason one has to come to school. If one is given all the information on the internet, why should you come to school and learn? Why can’t you just research an answer as needed rather than go to school and learn information you will never need for the future? This is a scary concept to think about especially since one day the children who had not gone to school will be running our nation. Technology in the long run may hurt our countries education rather than help

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