
Synthesis Essay On Monument

Decent Essays

2013 Synthesis Essay
Although there are many important factors a group or agency should consider when creating a monument, the most important are location, the impact of the design, and the overall purpose. The most effective monuments combine all three elements in a way that is unique to the person or event being memorialized, creating a significant and distinct tribute.
Numerous components for the location for the prospective monument should assessed prior to construction. If the immediate area around the monument is incongruous, the memorial may be seen as unwelcome. The citizens in Rapid City, neighboring Mt. Rushmore, viewed the massive sculpture as an offense and an obstruction (C). These commemorations should be placed in an appropriate area where they will be appreciated. The surrounding scene should not belie what is being commemorated. As said by Kirk Savage, Professor, History of Art & Architecture, “Why make a pilgrimage to a site with no historical significance to read text that was already everywhere? The answer is simple: the monument manufactures its own aura” (A). …show more content…

A monument is a way to immortalize an occasion, and the design should illustrate why that occasion was significant. The structure should serve as a representation of the features of the happening, whether it be the Statue of Liberty symbolizing freedom, or the Wright Brothers memorial commemorating the first flight. Successful monuments are able to encapsulate great events by illustrating them in a way that is appealing to the viewer. Maya Lin, designer of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial created a remarkable tribute by incorporating design elements such as 57,000 names and the polished slice into the earth (G). These carefully considered elements made this memorial a beautiful tribute that is appreciated by

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