
Synthesis Essay On How To Improve Cheerleading

Decent Essays

Cheer has been a part of my life since I was young because my mom is a cheer coach and she’s instilled in me that the best team that a cheerleader can be on is an All-Star team so you could win a Worlds ring.With that in mind, my goal is to make an All-Star team by the start of the 2018-2019 season by going to tumbling classes, going to sport training, and by working on my upper body strength.

Going to tumbling classes will help me achieve my goal. The way it would help is because i would learn all of my required skills. I’ll also be able to choose which skills I would want to improve the most on like doing layouts or standing tucks. Improving my tumbling will also help me be on a higher level team since the more skills you have, the higher level team you can be on. Although tumbling is an important part of cheerleading, doing sports training for stunting and conditioning is beneficial as well. …show more content…

Usually sports training for this particular sport consists of going through some rigorous conditioning that we do during the actual season. It’s useful because it’s able to get our bodies used to the typical cardiovascular fitness that goes on in either a standard or complex routine that we perform. Sports training also incorporates improving our jumps and stunting abilities since they are two components that is being looked for at our tryouts. While making sure I’m doing my sports training is a key to my goal, working on my upper body strength is also really

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