
Synthesis Essay

Decent Essays

What should schools take into consideration before using various technologies as a part of instruction? First, students have different ways to how they learn and retain information. Second, the costs of getting the latest technologies installed into the classroom may end up being an issue for the faculty, but also the parents as well as knowing that their participation in fundraisers may be greatly needed. Third, learning with the latest technologies could help the students who want to learn and be successful in the classroom but also serve as a gateway to students who wish to go to inappropriate websites that are not permitted for learning purposes. According to Rotstein, attendees of Empire High School received iBooks which are laptops …show more content…

According to Dyson, the children of today are taking in readymade information such as a video or an image and are taking in so much of that information; at the end of the day we are not able to make it for ourselves. Also she asked, “Will they be able to discern cause and effect, put together a coherent storyline, think scientifically, read a book with a single argument rather than a set of essays?” (Source C). Due to the obsessive use to technology in our daily lives, people can be able to complete tasks such as applying for a job or homework from multiple classes to find answers to a complex math problem. Yes, without technology we would be left in the dark not knowing the current events or answers to homework assignments; but, children need to learn how to use their brains to solve a complex problem or any other assignment that they don't understand rather than rely on a machine to think for them. Putting all your hopes on a device such as a phone or tablet for the answers will only make our youth to be lazier more dependent on the electronic devices provided to them which causes them to not have the ability to think for

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