
Symbols In The Book Night By Elie Wiesel

Decent Essays

Top left box, symbolism: Night symbolizes the darkness of human nature and the evil that can show up in harsh circumstances. In Night, it shows human depravity where horrible crimes were committed under the darkness. Furthermore, it also symbolizes the loss of innocence. Elie begins as an innocent and youthful boy to survive, haunted by the guilt and trauma of the concentration. In the camps, physical darkness is present as a literal absence of light that surrounds the prisoners during the night. This creates a sense of fear and isolation. Theme: The Holocaust challenged his fundamental beliefs. One of those beliefs is his faith. Unfortunately, Elie loses that challenge, which leads to a loss of faith in his God and humanity. Elie begins to …show more content…

Setting The arrival at Auschwitz in the book Night is the most impactful scene in this book. It was an unforgettable experience that has transformed Elie. This scene portrays the brutality, profound loss, and dehumanization. Elie Wiesel's vivid and transformative experience during this pivotal moment illustrates the shock and disbelief. Prisoners are being snatched. from their loved ones, stripped of their identities, and bombarded with harsh conditions. This serves as a reminder of the Nazi’s inhumanity and the extent that human cruelty can be reached. This scene portrays the resilience and courage of survivors like Elie. It highlights the need to remember and honour those who have gone through this. Takeaway: Night by Elie Wiesel emphasizes the importance of resilience and the human capacity to endure and find meaning even in the darkest of times. Through Elie’s awful experience in the concentration camp, Weisel showcases the strength of humans once faced with unimaginable suffering. Despite the challenges and trauma faced, Elie’s resilience shines through and he is faced with loss of faith and the brutality of …show more content…

In this quote “Moments” is a symbol for the horrors that Wiesel witnessed. The imagery of his dreams being turned to dust shows the destruction or loss of hope and optimism. This leaves Elie shattered. On the other hand, the quote “From the depths of a mirror, a corpse gazed back at me”(109) illustrates the vast impact that the Holocaust had on Elie’s identity. In this quote, the mirror is a symbol of self-awareness, reflecting his physical and emotional trauma to him. The “Corpse” represents the loss of innocence and humanity. It highlights how trauma can transform a person and the dehumanizing effect of the Holocaust. Moreover, the quote, “So now muster your strength, and don’t lose your heart”(47) captures a message of resilience and determination. In this quote “Muster your strength” means to have the will to preserve despite awful circumstances. The second, where it says “Don’t lose your heart” highlights the importance of mining hope, compassion, and humanity no matter how much darkness surrounds

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