
Symbolism Of Beowulf

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In the epic poem Beowulf, Grendel who is the first monster Beowulf battles snatched up 30 men and it is to be said that beowulf has the strength of 30 men. Beowulf is an epic poem translated by Burton Raffel. In Beowulf there is three battles with three different monsters, Grendel, Grendel's mother, and a dragon. The three battles have a symbolic meaning throughout the whole book. The three battles in the epic poem represent more than just two enemies fighting for victory, they are battles between the internal good and monster who embody evil. Beowulf is seen as a christian figure sent in to rid the land of the evil monsters such as grendel who is seen to have a lucifer features. After grendel attacks the Herot killing 30 men, …show more content…

Hrothgar said in line 1663 (So God gives guidance to those who can find it from no one else.) in response of the story about Beowulf's victory showing that God is the reason he won the battle and for him not to get cocky for he has won against evil. In the battle between beowulf and the dragon, the representation of lucifer characteristic of the dragon is that he lusted over his gold and attacked a whole town for one piece of gold. The dragon seems to emerge from the bottom of the earth almost as if the dragon is coming from hell. Beowulf tells his followers goodbye knowing that fate will decide who will win a battle between good and evil. When the dragon was getting the best of Beowulf his followers fled from the dragon, and Jesus followers fled from him in the bible which is a representation of how beowulf was seen as a christianity figure. When Beowulf and Wiglaf defeat the dragon they give thanks to God in line (2795) “For this, this gold, these jewels, I thank our father in heaven, ruler of the earth.” he knows that god is the reason he defeated the dragon to rid the evil from the world. When Beowulf dies the Geats build a big tower to represent Beowulf and when jesus died the cross represents jesus so they both have biblical views. In the epic poem Beowulf the three battles are between internal good and monsters who embody evil shown through three battles. Beowulf is sent to Herot to rid the land of the evil by killing Grendel who is half monster and

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