
Symbolism In The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

James Tervort
English 11
9 March 2016
The Great Gatsby is Symbolic

In the story The Great Gatsby written by, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald we are presented with a story of woe. Our protagonist Jay Gatsby has a hard life, a hard life filled with colors. Gatsby is a millionaire living in west egg by the lakeside. Every night Gatsby is paralyzed by a green light from across the lake. This green light means a lot to Gatsby, but what is that? Jay Gatsby is presented as a mysterious and peculiar man throughout the story. You are unsure of what his motives are and if he is what he really says he his. War hero? Millions out of nowhere? The green and gold that seems to always be surrounding him? These are all attached to his character to build and develop him to keep you interested and emotionally tied to him. …show more content…

"I glanced seaward – and distinguished nothing except a single green light" (Fitzgerald 25). This is the one and only thing that he can think about. The green light itself lies on Buchanan’s dock, Daisy’s dock. The one thing that Gatsby wants more than anything in the world, the one thing that his money cannot get him is Daisy. So every night he stares out from his dock in the direction of her home longing for her companionship. Now because he has spent so much time staring out at this green light wishing for Daisy he has mentally attached his wants and desires to this green

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