
Symbolism In Stargirl By Jerry Spinelli

Decent Essays

Everyone has their own unique and true personalities. They can choose to express it in a way that they are comfortable with or keep it inside. Everyone is different and separate in their own unique way. Not very many people try to fit in and be like everyone else, but there are a few people that do. In the book Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli, the author uses symbolism, cause and effect, and characterization to prove that standing out is better than fitting in.
Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent an idea or quality that a person. The author incorporates symbolism into the book by comparing many of the characters to a variety of things. Stargirl’s effort to try and fit in with everyone. She held onto it right when she got it and did not let go until she arrived back at Mica. “As she got out of the car, the silver plate slid from her lap and rang like a dying bell against the asphalt.” (Spinelli 161). The silver plate dropping to the ground symbolizes all of Stargirl’s efforts of trying to fit in. Her chance of trying to be “cool” or “popular” all dropped to the ground. …show more content…

The cause is the action and the effect is the reaction. Cause and effect has played a major part in the book, Stargirl. Stargirl was clearly very different from everyone else. “I know what your problem is. All this weird stuff you do? It’s just to get attention.” (Spinelli 67).Stargirl stood out because that was just her personality. It was not just to get attention, it is because that is who she truly felt like she was. She was different from everyone else and got bullied or made fun of for it. She was trying to be herself but everyone else did not understand that she was not doing it on purpose, she was doing it because that was who she

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