On a daily basis, people are affected by infrastructures. When thinking about infrastructure, a physical operation such as freeways and transportation comes to mind; however, infrastructures are not limited to such restrictions. An infrastructure is a system that combines its physical form with symbolism. Infrastructures demonstrate the relationship from the past and future, affect people's lives, and have a deeper meaning underneath the physical surface. This can be better understood from the reading Infrastructure Toolbox and noticed in the film Lunchbox.
One’s culture is highly influenced by the past. It creates and explains their tradition while ultimately determining what the future holds. For instance, food plays a crucial role in culture especially for the people of Bombay/Mumbai; which is where the film Lunchbox takes placed. The film focuses on a delivering system that acts as an infrastructure. This system is made up of people delivering home-cooked meals and meals from restaurants at the consumer's job for their lunch. One major reason why the people of Mumbai utilizes this system is to maintain their tradition of having warm home-cooked meals despite them being at work. This displays the importance of family to them. The food symbolizes the feeling of being connected and together despite the distance. These lunchboxes are able to keep the tradition of having a hot home-cooked meal alive. Because of the old tradition, this new concept of delivering lunch boxes
Food can partially shape a person's cultural identity. Geeta Kothari explores the cultural nuances between American and Indian food in the essay, “If You Are What You Eat, Then What Am I?” She expresses this through the symbolism of food, growing up and living between two different cultures. Kothari begins her story as a nine-year-old child curiously wanting to eat the same foods as American children: tuna salad sandwiches and hot dogs. She does not have the guidance from her mother regarding American food and culture. Kothari’s mom curbs the curiosity by reluctantly letting her daughter indulge in a can of tuna fish. Kothari describes the open can of tuna fish as “pink and shiny, like an internal organ” and she wondered if it was botulism (947). The way
When answering the Infrastructure of the environment, it is crucial to identify critical structures or building, such as schools, government, religious, power sources or water sources. Along with the central structures, recognize the density of the environment as rural or urban. Furthermore, are the structures dilapidated or operational with minimal repairs? Once complete, define the challenges and actions of the military when in the environment. Challenges such as, a useful power source and water source for the community, and who have secured them. Finally, answering how the military fits into the picture. Would the military need to protect the schools, government buildings, or would the engineers need to rebuild a bridge that has handicapped the
The close-up camera shot reinforces the family's closeness, highlighting the cultural importance of coming together for meals, cherished by the mother. The audience gains a better understanding of Australian food and the aesthetic of the home, highlighting cultural
Throughout the course of history there have been many advances in the world of infrastructure, mostly occurring in the 1800’s and the 1900’s. Infrastructure is defined as the basic physical and organizational structure needed for the operation of a society or enterprise, or the services and facilities necessary for an economy to function. This definition shows how important infrastructure is to people’s lives today. It affects how people live, travel, and communicate with one another. Three men who made huge contributions in the world of infrastructure were Robert Moses, Richard Ravitch and Othmar Hermann Ammann. All three of these men were involved in designing numerous landmarks, highways, bridges, tunnels, and other forms of infrastructure that today we take for granted. Although all of these men were involved in infrastructure in the New York metropolitan area, their contributions, personalities, and the public’s opinion of them were all different.
Walls and shelves of different treats, and Buc-ee’s even presents its own brand of Beaver Nuggets - a sweet, crunchy corn snack. And in each store, a counter the size of a small New York City apartment is overly stocked with 30 flavors beef jerky, smoked sausages and other cured meats. When standing in that area, you can smell the Bohemian garlic beef jerky, which had a pleasant salty pungency, and the cherry maple, which is a lot more subtly sweet than it sounds. Next to that, there’s a quick-service restaurant, prepping many dishes, ranging from smoked brisket to Tex-Mex tacos. Looking at the options of spicy pickled quail eggs to sweet apple pies, the food provided at Buc-ee’s is more than enough to eat for a small break on the road. The varieties and large portions of food seemed to have a meaning beyond consumption itself. As people carry to go boxes and not even open or taste some of the food during their stop, the food loses its meaning of being eaten and gains a meaning of being a souvenir. The cultural food alone provokes customers to want to keep these seemingly authentic, home cooked items, perhaps to share or give to others as novelties and gifts. With that, Buc-ee’s intends to provide more than necessary.
This week materials are mainly focusing on food. The readings are about how food, especially dinner, has an important role in the family, how the way we live affects the way we eat and the regional of our food. As in Michael Pollan’s book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, he was explaining how corn is in all of our diets. How it moved from the farm to the feeding lot, to the food lab and into our food. Further analysis of food, and of the sources that describes the food we eat, suggests that it requires a lot of work in the agriculture farm before our ingredients can come together and that mealtime is a great time for a family bonding but the bonding varies with each family due to the different in every families’ culture.
In The Culinary Seasons of my Childhood, Jessica B. Harris- the author- attempts to help readers understand the relationship between food and identity. Harris gave a detailed, but relevant, description of how how food portrayed different cultures in her life and how it taught her many lessons about her family history and who she is; she also described how food brings people together as one and creates a connection that nothing else can. The author helps readers initially understand her ideas by showing examples of how food, even in the same culture, can reflect different social classes.“ Even though chitterlings might be on the menu, they could equally likely be accompanied by a mason jar of corn liquor or a crystal goblet of champagne”( Harris
Food is used in different circumstances in life represents a culture, but can also reflect one's personality, lifestyle, and socio-economic
In Jessica Harris’s “The Culinary Season of my Childhood” she peels away at the layers of how food and a food based atmosphere affected her life in a positive way. Food to her represented an extension of culture along with gatherings of family which built the basis for her cultural identity throughout her life. Harris shares various anecdotes that exemplify how certain memories regarding food as well as the varied characteristics of her cultures’ cuisine left a lasting imprint on how she began to view food and continued to proceeding forward. she stats “My family, like many others long separated from the south, raised me in ways that continued their eating traditions, so now I can head south and sop biscuits in gravy, suck chewy bits of fat from a pigs foot spattered with hot sauce, and yes’m and no’m with the best of ‘em,.” (Pg. 109 Para). Similarly, since I am Jamaican, food remains something that holds high importance in my life due to how my family prepared, flavored, and built a food-based atmosphere. They extended the same traditions from their country of origin within the new society they were thrusted into. The impact of food and how it has factors to comfort, heal, and bring people together holds high relevance in how my self-identity was shaped regarding food.
We discussed the significance of food within the novel. Prior to the interactive oral, I thought the notion of food was only alluding to wealth. Although, through class discussions and due to food being a central part of the Vietnamese culture, I learnt that it is also shows one’s social status, which can also
There is a bible proverb that states, "In everything you do, put God first…" In laymen's term, is as we are on our journey of life, we should carry the message of God in all that we do. In the story "A Good Man in Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor, it is about a family on a trip from Georgia to Florida for a vacation and the troubles they run into on the road. One of the characters is the Grandmother. She is a god-fearing woman, in her own way, but is miss guided in her religious ways. Another character is the Misfit, he is an escaped convict on the run from the law. He is trying to make is way to Florida, when he runs into the Grandmother and her family. The Grandmother and the Misfit are "two side of the same coin"; they are both seeking
The essay “Eat Food: Food Defined,” by Michael Pollan was written to address the general public about the food industry. Originally published in his 2008 book In Defense of Food. Pollan uses relatable topics as examples, such as family, common food items, and common belief that everyone wants to be healthy. The essay brings across Pollan’s point by establishing his credibility, explaining why this is important to us, and telling us how to react to the given facts. Pollan makes the readers inquire how we define food by drawing our attention to the importance of examining our food before eating it.
Food is very much a part of pop culture, and the beliefs, practices, and trends in a culture affect its eating practices. Pop culture includes the ideas and objects generated by a society, including foods, and other systems, as well as the impact of these ideas and objects on society. For example, Mcdonald's is another of the thousands of fast food chains that populate our cities though they often use the term “popular culture” only to refer to media forms. Their popularity has also increased internationally. Although all humans need food to survive, people's food habits and how they obtain, prepare, and consume food, are the result of learned behaviors. Mcdonald’s, like other food chains, has made an effort to ‘localize’ its products so that they will be more successful in each different cultural context. These collective behaviors, as well as the values and attitudes they reflect, come to represent a group’s pop culture.
Our transportation system, quite arguably, may embody our most vital system, as Infrastructure and Democracy clarifies, “access is the hallmark of a great infrastructure” (Jones, Reinecke). By great contrast, our roads remain a current issue. 42 percent of America’s urban highways remain congested, costing the United States 101 billion dollars in wasted time and fuel each year. Also, the32 percent of roads, in poor or mediocre condition, cost the average traveler $324 per year (American Infrastructure Report Card). Unfortunately, updating the highway systems seems longer than it may seem, as the Government Accountability Office (GAO) estimates that from proposal to completion most highways will need nine to nineteen years to fix (Leduc, Wilson 129). In addition to the roads, our bridges are failing just as much. One of every nine bridges within the United States is categorized as structurally deficient. The average bridge 42 years old, and in order to eliminate the bridge renovation backlog, our country would need to invest twenty and a half billion dollars until 2028 (American Infrastructure Report Card). However, in 2013, the United States only invested 12.8 billion dollars in bridge reconstruction and repair (American Infrastructure Report Card). Also, our countries transit
This paper will discuss the multifaceted relationships among food, and culture. I will be looking at the relationships people have with food, and explore how this relationship reveals information about them. Their food choices of individuals and groups, can reveal their ideals, likes and dislikes. Food choices tell the stories of where people have travelled and who they have met along the way.