
Symbolism In Jacqueline Woodson's The Other Side

Decent Essays

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Martian Luther King Jr. Jacqueline Woodson, the author of The Other Side, uses tone, symbolism, and audience within her book. The tone Jacqueline uses in her book is joyful, likewise it presents a problem. The problem it presents is segregation. “I got close to the fence and that girl asked me for my name. “Clover,” I said. “My name’s Annie,” she said. “Annie Paul. I live over yonder,” she said, “by where you see the laundry. That’s my blouse hanging on the line.” She smiled then. She had a pretty smile. And then I smiled. And we stood there looking at each other, smiling. “It’s nice up on this fence,” Annie said. “You can see

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