
Symbolism In Battle Royal

Decent Essays

“Battle Royal” Symbolism- Blonde, Gold Coins and the Calfskin Briefcase

In “Battle Royal” author Ralph Ellison uses many symbols to represent the narrators struggle for identity. The symbols also represent the oppression and powerlessness of the black men and their struggle for equality. The symbols include the blonde of the strippers hair, the gold coins scattered on the rug and the prized calfskin briefcase. The stripper’s hair described as “magnificent blonde” and “hair yellow like that of a circus kewpie doll” (Ellison 15) is symbolic of the contrast of desire and powerlessness. The gold coins are symbolic of power and the illusion of possible prosperity. The calfskin briefcase symbolizes the reward for remaining the good humble slave. …show more content…

The contrast between the “magnificent blonde” as being sexual and untouchable to that of the boys referred to as “little shines” (15). The ideal of the blonde haired white woman that the boys would not be even permitted to look at even in clothes is forced on them. They are powerless against the white men while conflicted with wanting to look and knowing they shouldn’t. The boys are to the white men; less then human emphasizing the power of control the white men have over them.

The description of the “hair yellow like that of a circus Kewpie doll” further emphasizing the way the boys are treated and taunted as a child or an animal with no power to stop the men. The use of the color yellow emphasizes brightness. The description seems to enhance the light and magnify the attraction. The entire situation emphasizes the struggle of black men under the authority of the white men. They have no control to stop even when it is a humiliating circumstance because they are nothing to the white men. They have no

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