
Sxia Factors Of India And China

Decent Essays

1. Compare the PERSIA factors for China & India (BEFORE 600) (CHART form)

China: they were ruled by emperors and the kings. The first emperor was Shi Huangdi. The emperors/kings beliefs and rules depended on what dynasty they were in, such as the Qin, Shang, Zhou and Han Dynasties. Their government system were based on Bureaucracy, in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials.
India: the political state in India was solely based off of the Caste System - Brahmins, the priests and teachers, Kshatriyas, the warriors and rulers, Vaishyas, the farmers, traders and merchants, and Shudras, the servants. The Dalits, or the untouchables, were left out of the caste system, since they were the street sweepers. There were three dynasties that adjusted the political stability time to time, which are the Mauryan, Kushan, and Gupta.

China: Mostly through trade, including the trade of salt, iron, fish, cattle, and notably silk. The trade of silk eventually led trading through the famous route - the Silk road. Their form of money was shells.
India: Solely through trade, consisting the trade of wheat, rice, as well as building ships for different purposes.

China: most Chinese people believed in Buddhism, confucianism, and Daoism. Buddhism came to China from India, where it’s originated.
India: nearly all of Indians believed in Hinduism and Buddhism, however, majority followed Hinduism. Both religions differed from each other, however,

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