
Survivor Of Schools Prais Report

Decent Essays

MONTREAL, Canada — More than 3,200 aboriginal children who were sent to Canada’s infamous residential schools died while attending the schools. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission released a report on Tuesday claiming that many of them were buried in unmarked graves. Canada had a policy that required the children to attend the residential schools. The report called the policy of forced assimilation “a cultural genocide.” The commission released its final report at an emotionally charged and highly symbolic ceremony in Ottawa, marking the culmination of six years of work. The commission released an interim report in 2012 and a preliminary report in June. Justice Murray Sinclair, chairman of the commission, and his two co-chairs, Chief Wilton Littlechild and Marie Wilson, gathered information for the …show more content…

“We did this for the children who were taken away and for the parents who were left behind to cry for them. We did this for the children of today who needed to know where and what, and why things had occurred so they can understand their lives, themselves and their future better.” Survivor Of Schools Praises Report Eugene Arcand, a residential school survivor, said the TRC’s recommendations are calls for action for every Canadian, not just the government. With his voice breaking with emotion, mixing laughter and tears, Arcand praised the painful process of the commission. “It gave us a chance to become children again,” said Arcand, fighting back tears. “We shared our tears, we shared our laughs, but we dug deep inside and we dug out the demons and we (could not) have done it without each other.” Prime Minister Seeks Forgiveness Speaking at the ceremony, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he fully accepted “our responsibilities and our failings as a government and as a

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