
Survival Research Paper

Decent Essays

Survival Essay Did you know that there are only three main things you need for survival, they are as follows: Shelter, fire, and water. Which those three things you could live in a desert island. In this essay I will explain how you will use, make and find those three necessite to have a successful survival. First thing you need is shelter, shelter is a main item required for survival. Depending on your location there are going to be all sorts of obstacles to building a shelter the first thing you need to do is find a location to build your shelter. I would look for somewhere where there may be some water close by but not right by your site due to the fact there might be animals if there are any that come to get a drink. The second thing you want to do is build, now that might sound easy but depending on your location like if you are in Minnesota and there are a ton of trees surrounding you. You can gather a lot of …show more content…

In the real scheme of things there are three things to make fire you need heat, air, and fuel. Without those thing there is no fire. Let's talk about heat, that is what is going to be your igniting source. And then you have air which is going to allow oxygen so even though you have an igniting source you still need that oxygen to keep it burning and last you have the fuel which is going to keep the fire going and the most common fuel wood be wood. There are all sorts of types of fires you can have for example you can have a Gas fire, Electrical, Wood fire and all these things are going to be able to help you start a fire out in the wild. The last thing I want to mention on fire is you are going to need it for your warmth a lot of real survival situations take place in the cold and without that fire your body temperature would drop and you would basically freeze to

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