
Survival Of The Sickest: A Synthesis Essay

Decent Essays

The human body has evolved to what you are right now, a hopefully complex and amazing functional being. We are made of organ systems which are made up of organs, that which are made up of tissues, and tissues are made up of cells. It goes even more in depth, but that is the grasp of the human complexity, the fact that we are made up of so much and that is made up of things as well. Here's a riddle, what's extremely small and you can't see, but helps to keep you alive everyday? Well this is easy, your cells, but those aren't the only ones. Let's talk about viruses and diseases, being bedridden for a day and you feel like you're going to die, well apparently what can kill you, makes you stronger. In the explanatory book, "Survival of the Sickest", Dr Sharon Moalem allows us to grasp the knowledge that our cells are not the only ones that benefited our longevity of life, but the stuff that can kill us, has also done the trick. Hemochromatosis, Diabetes, and Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD deficiency or favism), are all things that can kill is easily without the proper treatment. However, long ago, these are the same that would help us live longer. Basically evolution wanted you to live another 5 years, then another 5 days.
Hemochromatosis is a hereditary disease that affects the metabolism with our body and iron. …show more content…

Today it is now wide spread to about 400 million people, about 4% of the world population. It is mainly found in Africa, Asia, and the Mediterranean. It is affecting 1 in 10 African Americans in the United States. It is diagnosed through mainly drugs, such as Aspirin. It is treated through terminated drug use, transfusion, and medicine if infection follows. The disease had helped understand the cause of hemolytic anemia in people, and the cause of anemia in the first place. If the gene were suppressed, it can stop one from getting

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