
Surveillance Program Unethical Use Of Computer

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Programs created by US Government to invade people 's privacy

It is primary mission that governments protect its people, and this protection includes using some software programs to monitor suspicious activities that could be caught on the web or from telecom communications. However, would this act invade people 's privacy? Would these programs restrict the people freedom? Is this program unethical use of computer?
There has been a case similar to that situation when the US government used national security surveillance programs for the intent to protect Americans from terrorism and cyber-attacks. These surveillance programs were initiated by NSA to spy on telecommunication data and the internet activities. However, these programs were created for the purpose of maintaining the security of people. These programs are effective tools to confront the terrorist threat that the government been fighting. It gather and analyze communicated information on different mediums to find out if there is something suspicious then it tracks it to ease the national security job to stop newly discovered crimes and terrorists attacks.
According to NSA agency, these surveillance programs do not cause harm to people nor takeout is their privacy, the benefit of these programs is huge, because it check millions of data points and only what seems to be threat to the national security. It work as magnifier of the possible threats allowing NSA agents and other corporative government departments to

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