
Surgical Report : Surgical Information

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Surgical Information
1. Medical asepsis is considered to be a “clean” technique and is used in our everyday activities like washing our hands or wiping off a table. Surgical or sterile asepsis destroys all living microorganisms and their spores. This is a sterile technique that is used in specialized areas like surgery, wound care, and catheter insertion. “The goal of each aseptic practice is to optimize primary wound healing, prevent surgical infection, and minimize the length of recovery from surgery” (Meeker, 1998).
2. Once the room is sterile, the people entering has to have booties on their shoes, scrubs on, a mask on their face, and a surgical cap. The people at the sterile table have to be at least 6 inches away from the table for …show more content…

For the instruments they need in a short amount of time, the scrub tech will let them sit in Prolystica for ten minutes which is a presoak and cleaner. Once they are done presoaking they are rinsed off in the sink and thoroughly rinsed and soaked in hot water for an additional 10 minutes. Then they take a blower to completely dry any excess water on the instruments, this takes an additional 15 minutes. Once they have gone through this process they are then put into a steamer and sterilized. “Air exchange in the operating room is extremely important because it helps to prevent any potential contamination so you can not excessively leave or enter the OR” (Watson, 2016). The patient is put in a different bed when they are operated on and the do not get back into their original bed until their wounds have been completely covered up. The temperature in the operating room has to stay in between 66-68 F with a humidity percentage of 70 for infection control. They clean off every machine with RTU Enzymatic Wipes that are engineered to remove any bio-burden. They use Hibiclens or CHG (2% Chlorahexidine Gluconate) with IPA (70% v/ v Isopropyl Alcohol) on the patients to prep the skin.
4. A patient with a wound drainage system or surgical wound dressing is done in a sterile environment and procedure. The sterilized first assistant will open up any packaging and then apply the wound drainage system onto the patient (Watson, 2016). A

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