
Surfing Research Paper

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The History and Culture of Surfing
Surfing is an ancient art and was first known as "he'e nalu", which translates to wave-sliding. However, surfing wasn't simply a fun sport or a task that these ancient people completed. Instead, it was something that attached them to the sea and they used it to reflect their emotions.
During ancient times, surfers would often rely on priests, who were known as Kahunas, for prayers for good waves. Since proper waves are important when looking for a good day of surf, this was a crucial part of the process. Kahunas would dance and cite ritual chants, all in the hopes of pleasing the sea. It was the belief that this process would cause the sea to provide proper waves for the people to surf.
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It is surprising to see how far the sport has come from its humble beginnings in Hawaii. Advertising for the sport made it even more popular and was first completed by Dale Velzy. Being the very first sponsor of surfing, he worked to make the sport more visible to everyone.
It wasn't long after Velzy's endorsement that movies began to be made. The first surf movie was Gidget and The Endless Summer quickly followed. These movies created a surf culture that quickly swept the United States and the entire world. With this culture fashion, music and even a special language was created.
Eventually boards were shortened from 10 feet to 6 feet, which created a new form of surfing culture, referred to as the "short board revolution". With this change in the culture, surfing went from somewhat of an underground interest to a mainstream, commercialized sensation.
Surfing is still a beautiful and highly respected art. One of the best things about all these advancements is that people everywhere can now enjoy it and develop skills with practice. If you are looking to introduce surfing culture into your life, be sure to contact us. We are able to help you select the best board and offer advice as to how to get started the right

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